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List:       kde-kdoc
Subject:    Re: Reflections
From:       "Mike J. Chen" <mchen () arch ! sel ! sony ! com>
Date:       1999-09-21 2:32:32
[Download RAW message or body]


I have a few changes which I've made to my local version of kdoc which
I'd like to see folded in (so I don't have to do them again with the
next release =)).  I think these are all bug fixes, or at least they
are appear to be bugs to me.  I'm pretty new to perl, and to kdoc as
well, but the changes I've made seem to work for me.

First, let me describe my environment.  I've been using kdoc to generate
HTML for some mixed C and C++ code.  Since I have a bunch of C code,
I think I've been running into more bugs with global scoped references
then others.  Also, since I'm running kdoc on NT (under cygwin and
active perl), I have some NT specific problems as well.

Here's my change list to the most recent snapshot (v2.0a12):

1) kdocLib.pm - line 129, function writeNode, change so that globals 
	are referenced via all-globals.html instead of $prefix.html.  
	Essentially, if $prefix is "", then replace with "all-globals.html".
	This fixes bug where references in Class .html files to globals
	are broken.
2) kdocHTMLutil.pm - line 111, function makeReferences, changed so that 
	files for class within class use .. instead of ::
	in filename (NT doesn't like filename with ::)
3) kdocHTMLutil.pm - line 123, function HeaderPathToHTML changed
	so that if $rootref is "", the reference is added with file
	being all-globals.html
4) kdocHTMLutil.pm - line 576, function HeaderPathToHTML changed
	so that header filenames are in the form of h_classname_h.html
	instead of h#classname_h.html which NT doesn't like
5) kdocCxxHTML.pm - line 421, function writeClassDoc, call of refNameEvery()
	 needs a second argument of $rootnode
6) fix kdoc, around line 414 for parsing enums:
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*enum(\s+[-\w_:]*)?\s*\{(.*)/s  ) {
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*enum\s+([-\w_:]*)?\s*\{(.*)/s  ) {

   so that extra space is removed from the front of the name of the enum.
   This fixes bug where global enums aren't being referenced correctly
   in html class files.
7) in kdoc, around line 507, change stripping of "= value" so that the
   remaining decl has no spaces between the type and the ';' (otherwise
   the parsing afterwards has problems) with

   const nameSearchFlags_t FL_LOCKLEAF     = 0x04;

   and can only parse

   const nameSearchFlags_t FL_LOCKLEAF = 0x04;
8) kdoc - line 571, change so that kdoc can parse

     extern "C" {
       /* a bunch of global functions */

I'm including the files as well for diff purposes.

I hope these are useful to others.

A few changes which I haven't been able to do but which I'd like are:
a) It would be nice if the Index table is improved.  Currently, my last
   column is always the longest, which makes the table look unbalanced.
b) I think handling of the @li should scope within a @param so that we
   can have lists within parameter descriptions.  Currently, a @li pops
   to top level function scope.


Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote:
> Hi,
> I finish my contract at AXA in mid-September, after which I will be
> hacking kdoc again (I am using it at work here, so Windows support has
> been added to kdoc but still needs a little work). I want kdoc to be at
> version 2.0 fairly soon, so I wanted to know what you folks think needs to
> be done before that.
> In general I mean things that are seriously deficient, not really new
> features. My list includes:
> 1. Multiple valriables like "int a,b,c;" still don't work, and it still
> has trouble with arrays.
> 2. The latex and man pahge output still need serious work.
> 3. support files for windows install (ActivePerl is required)
> 4. parameters for methods containing parens are not parsed correctly.
> 5. Namespace support - I think this one is a new feature and so is less
> important.
> 6. Docs
> 7. I thing there is still some trouble with the relative link stuff I will
> have to check it
> 8. shit I forgot about the @ref bug. another whopper.
> 9. Prints "Global::" in front of nested class names
> 10. Should nested/child classes be listed in the class hierarchy and
> indees?
> Anything else? Go nuts. This is your last chance. ;)
> -Taj.
> PS. sorry for typos, using widnows telnet over slow connection. I really
> miss linux right now.
> Sirtaj S. Kang       taj@kde.org         ssk@physics.unimelb.edu.au
> Univ of Melbourne       The "gui" in "Penguin" is pronounced "K-D-E"

Mike J. Chen
Sony U.S. Research Laboratories - DSL,       Phone (408) 955-3041
["kdocHTMLutil.pm" (text/html)]

=head1 kdocHTMLutil - Common HTML routines.


package kdocHTMLutil;

use kdocAstUtil;
use Carp;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $rcount );

	$VERSION = '$Revision: 1.6 $';
	@ISA = qw( Exporter );
	@EXPORT = qw( makeReferences refName refNameFull refNameEvery hyper 
			esc printDoc printTextItem wordRef textRef deref 
			encodeURL newPgHeader tabRow makeHeader 
			HeaderPathToHTML );

	$rcount = 0;

sub newPgHeader
	my $html = shift;

	my ( $heading, $desc, $rest, $toclist ) = @_; 
	my $bw=0;
	my $cspan = defined $main::options{"html-logo"} ? 2 : 1;

	print $html <<EOF;
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="KDOC $main::version">
<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#000099" alink= "#ffffff">
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="$bw">
		<TR><TD valign="top" align="left" cellspacing="10">
		<TD valign="top" align="right" colspan="1">$desc</TD></TR>

#	print $html '<TABLE BORDER="',$bw,'"><TR><TD>';
	my @klist = keys %$toclist;

	print $html '<TD align="right"><TABLE BORDER="',$bw,'">';

	# image
	print $html '<TD rowspan="', ($#klist)+2,'"><IMG SRC=',
		if defined $main::options{"html-logo"};

	# TOC

	foreach my $item ( sort @klist ) {
		print $html '<TR><TD>',
		'<small><A HREF="',$toclist->{$item},'">',
			$item, "</small></TD></TR>\n";

	print $html "</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>\n";

=head2 makeReferences

	Parameters: rootnode

	Recursively traverses the Kids of the root node, setting
	the "Ref" property for each. This is the HTML reference for
	the node. 

	A "NumRef" property is also set for non-compound members,
	which is used for on-page links.


sub makeReferences
	my ( $root ) = @_;

	my $rootref = $root->{Ref};
	$rootref = "" if !defined $rootref;
	my $ref;
	my $rcount = 0;

	foreach $kid ( @{ $root->{Kids} } ) {
		next if defined $kid->{Ref};
		if( !defined $kid->{astNodeName} ) {
			print "makeReferences: Node of no name:\n";
			kdocAstUtil::dumpAst( $kid );

		$kid->AddProp( 'NumRef', "#ref$rcount" );

		if(  defined $kid->{Compound} ) {
			($ref = $rootref) =~ s/\.html$//;
# mchen (2) - change so that files for classes within classes use ".."
# instead of "::" in filename (NT doesn't like filenames with "::")
#			$ref .= "::" if $rootref ne "";
			$ref .= ".." if $rootref ne "";

			$kid->AddProp( 'Ref', 
				$ref.$kid->{astNodeName}.".html" );

			makeReferences( $kid );
		else {
# mchen (3) - change so that if rootref is "", the property is added
#             with all-globals.html as reference
#			$ref .= "::" if $rootref ne "";
		    if ($rootref eq "") {
			$kid->AddProp( 'Ref', 
				"all-globals.html#".$kid->{astNodeName} );
		    } else {
			$kid->AddProp( 'Ref', 
				$rootref."#".$kid->{astNodeName} );

=head2 refName

	Parameters: node, refprop?

	Returns a hyperlinked name of the node if a reference exists,
	or just returns the name otherwise. Useful for printing node names.

	If refprop is specified, it is used as the reference property
	instead of 'Ref'.


sub refName
	my ( $node ) = @_;
	confess "refName called with undef" if !defined $node->{astNodeName};

	my $ref = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 'Ref';

	$ref = $node->{ $ref };

	my $out;

	if ( !defined $ref ) {
		$out =  $node->{astNodeName};
	} else {
		$out = '<A HREF="'.encodeURL($ref).'">'.

	$out = "<i>".$out."</i>" if exists $node->{Pure};

	return $out;


=head2 refNameFull

	Parameters: node, rootnode, refprop?

	Returns a hyperlinked, fully qualified (ie including parents)
	name of the node if a reference exists, or just returns the name
	otherwise. Useful for printing node names.

	If refprop is specified, it is used as the reference property
	instead of 'Ref'.


sub refNameFull
	my ( $node, $rootnode, $refprop ) = @_;

	# make full name
	my $name = $node->{astNodeName};

	my $parent = $node->{Parent};

	while ( $parent != $rootnode ) {
		confess if !defined $parent;

		$name = $parent->{astNodeName}."::".$name;
		$parent = $parent->{Parent};

	# figure out ref

	my $ref = defined $refprop ? $refprop : 'Ref';

	$ref = $node->{ $ref };

	my $out;

	if ( !defined $ref ) {
		$out =  esc($name);
	} else {
		$out = '<A HREF="'.encodeURL($ref).'">'.esc($name).'</A>';

	$out = "<i>".$out."</i>" if exists $node->{Pure};

	return $out;


=head2 refNameEvery

	Parameters: node

	Like refNameFull, but every separate link in the chain is


sub refNameEvery
	my ( $node, $rootnode ) = @_;

	# make full name
	my $name = $node->{astNodeName};

	my $parent = $node->{Parent};

	while ( $parent != $rootnode ) {
		$name = refName($parent)."::".$name;
		$parent = $parent->{Parent};

	return $name;

=head2 hyper

	Parameters: hyperlink, text

	Returns an HTML hyperlink. The text is escaped.


sub hyper
	confess "hyper: undefed parameter $_[0], $_[1]"
		unless defined $_[0] && defined $_[1];
	return "<A HREF=\"$_[0]\">".esc($_[1])."</A>";

=head2 esc

	Escape special HTML characters.


sub esc
	my $str = $_[ 0 ];

	return "" if !defined $str || $str eq "";

	$str =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
	$str =~ s/</&lt;/g;
	$str =~ s/>/&gt;/g;

	return $str;

=head2 printDoc

	Parameters: docnode, *filehandle, rootnode, compound

	Print a doc node. If compound is specified and non-zero, various
	compound node properties are not printed.


sub printDoc
        local ($docNode, *CLASS, $rootnode, $comp ) = @_;
        my $node;
        my $type;
	my $text;
	my $lasttype = "none";

	$comp = defined $comp? $comp : 0;
	$text = $docNode->{Text};

        if ( defined $text ) {
                print CLASS "<p>";

                foreach $node ( @$text ) {
                        $type = $node->{NodeType};
			$name = $node->{astNodeName};
                        warn "Node '", $name, "' has no type"
				if !defined $type;

			if( $lasttype eq "ListItem" && $type ne $lasttype ) {
				print CLASS "</ul><p>\n";

                        if( $type eq "DocText" ) {
                                print CLASS "", deref( $name, $rootnode );
                        elsif ( $type eq "Pre" ) {
                                print CLASS "</p><pre>\n",
					esc( $name ), "\n</pre><p>";
			elsif( $type eq "Ref" ) {
				my $ref = $node->{Ref};
				if ( defined $ref ) {
					print "found reference for $name\n";
					print CLASS refName( $ref );
				else {
					print CLASS $name;
                        elsif ( $type eq "ParaBreak" ) {
                                print CLASS "</p><p>";
			elsif ( $type eq "ListItem" ) {
				if ( $lasttype ne "ListItem" ) {
					print CLASS "</p><ul>\n";
				print CLASS "<li>", 
					deref( $name, $rootnode ), "</li>\n";

			$lasttype = $type;

		if( $type eq "ListItem" ) {
			print CLASS "</ul><p>\n";

                print CLASS "</p>";


	# Params
	my @paramlist = ();
	kdocAstUtil::findNodes( \@paramlist, $docNode->{Text},
			"NodeType", "Param" );

	if( $#paramlist >= 0 ) {
		my $pnode;
		print CLASS "<p><b>Parameters</b>:",
			"<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"5\">\n";
		foreach $pnode ( @paramlist ) {
			print CLASS "<TR><TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><i>",
				"</i></TD><TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">",
				deref($pnode->{astNodeName}, $rootnode ),
		print CLASS "</TABLE></P>\n";

	# Return
	printTextItem( $docNode, CLASS, "Returns" );

	# Exceptions
	$text = $docNode->{Throws};

	if ( defined $text ) {
		my $comma = "<p><b>Throws</b>: ";

		foreach $tosee ( @$text ) {
			print CLASS $comma, esc( $tosee );
			$comma = ", ";
		print CLASS "</p>\n";

	# See
	$text = $docNode->{See};
	my $tref = $docNode->{SeeRef};
	if ( defined $text ) {
		my $comma = "<p><b>See also</b>: ";

		foreach $ctr ( 0..$#{$text} ) {
			if ( defined $tref->[ $ctr ] ) {
				print CLASS $comma, refName( $tref->[ $ctr ] );
			else {
				print CLASS $comma, esc( $text->[ $ctr ] );

			$comma = ", ";
		print CLASS "</p>\n";

	return if $comp;

	printTextItem( $docNode, CLASS, "Since" );
	printTextItem( $docNode, CLASS, "Version" );
	printTextItem( $docNode, CLASS, "Id" );
	printTextItem( $docNode, CLASS, "Author" );

=head3 printTextItem

	Parameters: node, *filehandle, prop, label

	If prop is set, it prints the label and the prop value deref()ed.


sub printTextItem
	local ( $node, *CLASS, $prop, $label ) = @_;
	my $text = $node->{ $prop };
	return unless defined $text;
	$label = $prop unless defined $label;
	print CLASS "<p><b>", $label, "</b>: ", 
			deref( $text, $rootnode  ), "</p>\n";

=head3 wordRef

	Parameters: word

	Prints a hyperlink to the word's reference if found, otherwise
	just prints the word. Good for @refs etc.


sub wordRef
	my ( $str, $rootnode ) = @_;
	confess "rootnode is undef" if !defined $rootnode;

	return "" if $str eq "";

	my $ref = kdocAstUtil::findRef( $rootnode, $str );
	return esc($str) if !defined $ref;

	return hyper( $ref->{Ref}, esc($str) );

=head2 textRef

	Parameters: string
	Returns: hyperlinked, escaped text.

	Tries to find a reference for EVERY WORD in the string, replacing it
	with a hyperlink where possible. All non-hyper text is escaped.

	Needless to say, this is quite SLOW.


sub textRef
	my ( $str, $rootnode ) = @_;
	my $word;
	my $out = "";
	foreach $word ( split( /([^\w:]+)/, $str ) ) {
		if ( $word =~ /^[^\w:]/ ) {
			$out .= esc($word);
		else {
			$out .= wordRef( $word, $rootnode );

	return $out;

=head2 deref

	Parameters: text
	returns text

	dereferences all @refs in the text and returns it.


sub deref
	my ( $str, $rootnode ) = @_;
	confess "rootnode is null" if !defined $rootnode;
	my $out = "";
	my $text;

	foreach $text ( split (/(\@ref\s+[\w:#]+)/, $str ) ) {
		if ( $text =~ /\@ref\s+([\w:#]+)/ ) {
			$out .= wordRef( $1, $rootnode );
		else {
			$out .= esc($text);
	return $out;

=head2 encodeURL

	Parameters: url

	Returns: encoded URL


sub encodeURL
	my $url = shift;
	$url =~ s/:/%3A/g;
	return $url;

=head2 tabRow

	Returns a table row with each element in the arg list as
	one cell.

sub tabRow
	return "<TR><TH>$_[0]</TH><TD>$_[1]</TD></TR>\n";

=head2 fileToHTML

	Writes an HTML version of a file.


sub makeHeader
	my ( $out, $filename ) = @_;

	open ( SOURCE, "$filename" ) || die "Couldn't read $filename\n";

	print $out "<pre>\n";

	while ( <SOURCE> ) {
		print $out esc( $_ );

	print $out "</pre>\n";

=head2 HeaderPathToHTML

	Takes the path to a header file and returns an html file name.


sub HeaderPathToHTML
	my ( $path ) = @_;

	$path =~ s/_/__/g;

# mchen (4) - changed so that header filenames are in the form of
#  h_classname_h.html instead of h#classname_h.html which NT doesn't like
#	$path =~ s/\//#/g;
	$path =~ s/\//./g;

	$path =~ s/\./_/g;

	return $path.".html";


["kdocCxxHTML.pm" (text/plain)]

package kdocCxxHTML;

use File::Path;
use File::Basename;

use Carp;
use Ast;
use kdocAstUtil;
use kdocHTMLutil;

=head1 kdocCxxHTML

Capabilities required from Ast bit: 

1. Create an inheritance tree

2. Referencing ability: convert a fully qualified class or member name
	to a node reference.


	@clist = ();
	@docQueue = ();

	$host = `uname -n`;	chop $host;
	$who = `whoami`;	chop $who;
	$now = localtime;	chop $now;
	$gentext = "$who\@$host on $now.";

	%toclinks = (
		'Index'		 => 'index.html',
		'Annotated List' => 'index-long.html',
		'Hierarchy'	 => 'hier.html',
		'Globals'	 => 'all-globals.html',
		'Files'		 => 'header-list.html'

	$docBotty =<<EOF
	<tr><td><small>Generated by: $gentext</small></td></tr>


sub writeDoc
	( $lib, $rootnode, $outputdir, $opt ) = @_;

	$debug = $main::debug;

	print "Generating HTML documentation. \n" unless $main::quiet;

	mkpath( $outputdir ) unless -f $outputdir;

	makeReferences( $rootnode );
	makeClassList( $rootnode );

	writeGlobalDoc( $rootnode );
	writeClassList( $rootnode );
	writeAnnotatedList( $rootnode );
	writeHier( $rootnode );

	foreach $node ( @{$rootnode->{Kids}} ) {
		next if !defined $node->{Compound} 
			|| defined $node->{ExtSource}
			|| $node->{NodeType} eq "Forward";

		push @docQueue, $node;

	while( $#docQueue >= 0 ) {
		$node = pop @docQueue;
		writeClassDoc( $node );

=head2 writeAnnotatedList

	Parameters: rootnode

	Writes out a list of classes with short descriptions to


sub writeAnnotatedList
	my ( $root ) = @_;
	my $short;

	open(CLIST, ">$outputdir/index-long.html") 
	|| die "Couldn't create $outputdir/index-long.html\n";

	newPgHeader( *CLIST{IO}, "$lib Annotated List", "", "", \%toclinks );

	print CLIST '<TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER=\"0\">';
	my $colnum = 0;
	my $colour;

	foreach $node ( @clist ) {
		print  "undef in clist\n" if !defined $node;

		$docnode = $node->{DocNode};
		$short = "";

		if( defined $docnode && exists $docnode->{ClassShort} ) {
			$short = deref($docnode->{ClassShort}, $rootnode );
			if( !defined $short ) {
				print $root->{astNodeName}, "has undef short\n";
		$col = $col ? 0 : 1;
		$colour = $col ? "" : 'bgcolor="#eeeeee"';

		print CLIST "<TR $colour><TD>", refName( $node ), 
			"</TD><TD>", $short, "</TD></TR>";

	print CLIST "</TABLE>", $docBotty;
	close CLIST;

=head2 writeClassList

	Parameters: rootnode

	Writes out a concise list of classes to index.html


sub writeClassList
	my ( $root ) = @_;

	open(CLIST, ">$outputdir/index.html") 
		|| die "Couldn't create $outputdir/index.html\n";

	newPgHeader( *CLIST{IO}, "$lib Class Index", "", "", \%toclinks );

	print CLIST '<TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0">';

	my $cols = exists $opt->{"html-cols"} ? $opt->{"html-cols"} : 3;
	my ( $ctr, $size ) = ( 0, int(($#clist+1)/$cols) );
	$size = 1 if $size < 1;
	my $s;

	print CLIST "<TR>";
	while ( $ctr <= $#clist ) {
		print CLIST "<TD>";
		$s = $ctr+$size-1;

		if ( $s > $#clist ) {
			$s = $#clist;
		elsif ( ($#clist - $s) < $cols) {
			$s = $#clist;

		print "Writing from $ctr to $s\n" if $debug;
		writeListPart( \@clist, $ctr, $s );
		print CLIST "</TD>";
		$ctr = $s+1;

	print CLIST<<EOF;
	close CLIST;


	Parameters: list, start index, end index

	Helper for writeClassList.  Prints a table containing a
	hyperlinked list of all nodes in the list from start index to
	end index. A table header is also printed.


sub writeListPart
	my( $list, $start, $stop ) = @_;

	print CLIST "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\">";

	print CLIST '<TR bgcolor="b0b0b0"><TH>', 
		esc( $list->[ $start ]->{astNodeName} ),
		" - ", esc( $list->[ $stop ]->{astNodeName} ), 

	my $col = 0;
	my $colour = "";
	for $ctr ( $start..$stop ) {
		$col = $col ? 0 : 1;
		$colour = $col ? "" : 'bgcolor="#eeeeee"';

		print CLIST "<TR $colour><TD>", refName( $list->[ $ctr ] ),

	print CLIST "</TABLE>";

=head2 writeAllMembers

	Parameters: node

	Writes a list of all methods to "full-list-<class file>"


sub writeAllMembers
	my( $node ) = @_;
	my $file = "$outputdir/full-list-".$node->{Ref};
	my %allmem = ();

	kdocAstUtil::allMembers( \%allmem, $node );

	open( ALLMEM, ">$file" ) || die "Couldn't create $file\n";

#	print ALLMEM pageHeader( \%toclinks, esc($node->{astNodeName})
#		." - All Methods" ), "<UL>";

	 newPgHeader( *ALLMEM{IO}, 
			$node->{NodeType}." ".esc($node->{astNodeName}).
			": All methods", "", "", \%toclinks );

	my $mem;
	my $col = 0;
	my $colour = "";

	print ALLMEM '<TABLE>';

	foreach $mem ( sort keys %allmem ) {
		$col = $col ? 0 : 1;
		$colour = $col ? "" : 'bgcolor="#eeeeee"';

		print ALLMEM "<TR $colour><TD>", refName( $allmem{ $mem } ), 

	print ALLMEM "</TABLE>$docBotty";

	close ALLMEM;

=head2 writeHier

	Parameters: rootnode

	Writes out the class hierarchy index to hier.html.


sub writeHier
	my ( $root ) = @_;

	open( HIER, ">$outputdir/hier.html") 
		|| die "Couldn't create $outputdir/hier.html\n";

#	print HIER pageHeader( \%toclinks, $lib." Class Hierarchy" );
	newPgHeader( *HIER{IO}, "$lib Class Hierarchy", "", "", \%toclinks );

	printNodeHier( $root );

	print HIER $docBotty;
	close HIER;

=head3 printNodeHier

	Parameters: node

	Lists all classes that inherit from this node in an unordered list.


sub printNodeHier 
	my( $node ) = @_;
	my $kid;
	my $src = "";

	# non-derived external classes are not printed.
	if ( defined $node->{ExtSource} ) {
		return if !defined $node->{InBy} 
			|| !kdocAstUtil::hasLocalInheritor( $node );

		$src = "<small>(".$node->{ExtSource}.")</small>";

	print HIER "<LI>", refName( $node )," $src</LI>\n" 
			unless $node == $rootnode;

	return if !defined $node->{InBy};

	print HIER "<UL>\n";

	foreach $kid ( sort { $a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName} } 
			@{ $node->{InBy} } ) {
		next if defined $kid->{hlisted};
		printNodeHier( $kid );
		$kid->AddProp( 'hlisted', 1 );
	print HIER "</UL>\n";

=head2 writeHeaderList

	Generates the header-list.html file, which contains links
	to each processed header. The ARGV list is used.


sub writeHeaderList
	open(HDRIDX, ">$outputdir/header-list.html") 
	|| die "Couldn't create $outputdir/header-list.html\n";

	newPgHeader( *HDRIDX{IO}, "$lib File Index", "", "", \%toclinks );

	foreach $header ( sort @main::ARGV ) {
		$_ = $header;
		my $htmlheader = $main_striphpath ? basename ( $_ ) : $_;
		my $htmlname = HeaderPathToHTML( $htmlheader );

# convert dashes to double dash, convert path to dash

		print HDRIDX  "\t<LI>",hyper($htmlname,$htmlheader),"</LI>\n";

		writeSrcHTML( "$outputdir/$htmlname", $header );
	print HDRIDX "</UL>\n",$docBotty;


=head2 writeClassDoc

	Write documentation for one compound node.


sub writeClassDoc
	my( $node ) = @_;
	if( exists $node->{ExtSource} ) {
		warn "Trying to write doc for ".$node->{AstNodeName}.
			" from ".$node->{ExtSource}."\n";

	my $file = "$outputdir/".$node->{Ref};
	my $docnode = $node->{DocNode};
	my $hasdoc = exists $node->{DocNode} ? 1 : 0;
	my @list = ();
	my $version = undef;
	my $author = undef;

	open( CLASS, ">$file" ) || die "Couldn't create $file\n";

	# Header
	my $source = kdocAstUtil::nodeSource( $node );
	my $short = "";
	my $extra = "";

	if( $hasdoc ) {
		if ( exists $docnode->{ClassShort} ) {
			$short .= deref($docnode->{ClassShort}, 
				" <small>".
				hyper( "#longdesc", "More..." )."</small>";

		if ( exists $docnode->{Deprecated} ) {
			$extra .= '<TR><TH colspan="2">'.
			'Deprecated! use with care</TH></TR>';

		if ( exists $docnode->{Internal} ) {
			$extra .= '<TR><TH colspan="2">'.
			'Internal Use Only</TH></TR>';

		$version = esc($docnode->{Version}) 
			if exists $docnode->{Version};
		$author = esc($docnode->{Author}) 
			if exists $docnode->{Author};

	# pure virtual check
	if ( exists $node->{Pure} ) {
		$extra .= '<TR><TH>Contains pure virtuals</TH></TR>';
	# full name, if not in global scope
	if ( $node->{Parent} != $rootnode ) {
		$extra .= tabRow( "Full name", 
# mchen (5) - changed refNameEvery() call to have second argument of $rootnode
#			"<code>".refNameEvery( $node )."</code>" );
			"<code>".refNameEvery( $node, $rootnode )."</code>" );

	# include
	$extra .= tabRow( "Definition", "<code>#include &lt;".
		hyper( HeaderPathToHTML( $source ), $source )
			."&gt;</code>" );

	# template form
	if ( exists $node->{Tmpl} ) {
		$extra .= tabRow( "Template form",
			."&lt;".textRef($node->{Tmpl}, $rootnode )."&gt; "
			."</code>" );

	# ancestors
	if ( $node != $rootnode && exists $node->{InList} ) {
		my $comma = "";
		my $out = "";

		foreach my $in ( @{ $node->{InList} } ) {
			my $nref = $in->{Node};

			if( !defined $nref ) {
				# not found
				$out .= $comma.esc($in->{astNodeName});
			elsif ( $nref == $rootnode ) {
				# global
			else {
				# resolved
				$out .= $comma.refName( $nref );
				# template type?
				if ( exists $in->{TmplType} ) {
					$out .= "&lt;".wordRef($in->{TmplType},
							$rootnode )."&gt;";

				if ( exists $nref->{ExtSource} ) {
					$out .=" <small>(".$nref->{ExtSource}

				$out .= " [ ".$in->{Type}." ]" 
					unless $in->{Type} eq "public";

				$comma = ", ";


		$extra .= tabRow( "Inherits", $out ) unless $out eq "";

	# descendants
	if ( $node != $rootnode && exists $node->{InBy} ) {
		my $comma = "";
		my $out = "";

		@list = ();
		kdocAstUtil::inheritedBy( \@list, $node );

		foreach $in ( @list ) {
			$out .= $comma.refName( $in );

			# external source?
			if ( exists $in->{ExtSource} ) {
				$short .= " <small>(".
			$comma = ", ";
		$extra .= tabRow( "Inherited by", $out );

	$extra .= '<TR><TH>'.
		hyper( encodeURL("full-list-".$node->{Ref}),
			"List of all Methods" )."</TH></TR>";

	# print it

	newPgHeader( *CLASS{IO}, 
		$node->{NodeType}." ".esc($node->{astNodeName}), 
		$short, $extra, \%toclinks );

	if( $#{$node->{Kids}} < 0 ) {
		print CLASS "<center><H4>No members</H4></center>\n";
	else {
		listMethods( $node, "Public Members", "public" );
		listMethods( $node, "Public Slots", "public_slots" );
		listMethods( $node, "Protected Members", "protected" );
		listMethods( $node, "Protected Slots", "protected_slots" );
		listMethods( $node, "Signals", "signals" );

		if ( $main::doPrivate ) {
			listMethods( $node, "Private Members", "private" );
			listMethods( $node, "Private Slots", "private_slots" );

	# long description
	if ( $hasdoc ) {
		print CLASS "<HR><A NAME=\"longdesc\">",
			"<H2>Detailed Description</H2>";
		printDoc( $docnode, *CLASS, $rootnode, 1 );

	# member doc
	my $kid;
	my ($numref, $ref);

	foreach $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) {
			next if defined $kid->{ExtSource} 
			|| $node->{NodeType} eq "Forward"
			|| (!$main::doPrivate && 
				$kid->{Access} =~ /private/);

		if ( exists $kid->{Compound} ) {
			push @docQueue, $kid;

		next if !defined $kid->{DocNode};

		if( !exists $kid->{NumRef} ) {
			warn $kid->{astNodeName}, " type ",
			$kid->{NodeType}, " doesn't have a numref\n";

		( $numref = $kid->{NumRef} ) =~ s/^.*?#//g;
		( $ref = $kid->{Ref} ) =~ s/^.*?#//g;

		printMemberName( $kid, $ref, $numref );
		printDoc( $kid->{DocNode}, *CLASS, $rootnode );

		if ( $kid->{NodeType} eq "method" ) {
			$ref = kdocAstUtil::findOverride( $rootnode, $node, 
				$kid->{astNodeName} );
			if ( defined $ref ) {
				print CLASS "<p>Reimplemented from ",
					refName( $ref ), "</p>\n";

	# done

	if ( defined $version || defined $author ) {
		print CLASS "<HR><UL>",
			defined $version ? 
				"<LI><i>Version</i>: $version</LI>" : "",
			defined $author ? 
				"<LI><i>Author</i>: $author</LI>" : "",
			"<LI><i>Generated</i>: $gentext</LI></UL>",
	else {
		print CLASS $docBotty;

	close CLASS;

	# full member list

	writeAllMembers( $node );

sub writeGlobalDoc
	my( $node ) = @_;
	my $file = "$outputdir/all-globals.html";
	my $docnode = $node->{DocNode};
	my $hasdoc = exists $node->{DocNode} ? 1 : 0;
	my @list = ();
	my $cumu = Ast::New( "nodelist" );
	my $kid;

	# make a list of nodes by file
	foreach $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) {
		next if exists $kid->{ExtSource} 
			|| exists $kid->{Compound}
			|| (!$main::doPrivate && 
				$kid->{Access} =~ /private/);

		$cumu->AddPropList( kdocAstUtil::nodeSource( $kid ), $kid )
			unless !exists $kid->{Source};

	open( CLASS, ">$file" ) || die "Couldn't create $file\n";

#	print CLASS pageHeader( \%toclinks, "Globals" );

	newPgHeader( *CLASS{IO}, $lib." Globals", "", "", \%toclinks );

	@list = sort keys %$cumu;

	foreach $file ( @list ) {
		next if $file eq "astNodeName";

		listMethods( $node, $file, "", $cumu->{$file} );

	# member doc
	my ($numref, $ref);

	foreach $file ( @list ) {
		next if $file eq "astNodeName";
		foreach $kid ( @{$cumu->{$file}} ) {
			next if exists $kid->{ExtSource} 
			|| exists $kid->{Compound}
			|| !exists $kid->{DocNode}
			|| (!$main::doPrivate && 
					$kid->{Access} =~ /private/);

			if( !exists $kid->{NumRef} ) {
				warn $kid->{astNodeName}, " type ",
				$kid->{NodeType}, " doesn't have a numref\n";

			( $numref = $kid->{NumRef} ) =~ s/^.*?#//g;
				( $ref = $kid->{Ref} ) =~ s/^.*?#//g;

				printMemberName( $kid, $ref, $numref );

			print CLASS "<p><small><code>#include &lt;",
				kdocAstUtil::nodeSource( $kid ), 

			printDoc( $kid->{DocNode}, *CLASS, $rootnode );

	print CLASS $docBotty;
	close CLASS;

sub listMethods
	my( $class, $desc, $vis, $nodes ) = @_;
	my $name;
	my $type;
	my $flags;
	my @n=();
	if ( !defined $nodes ) { 
		kdocAstUtil::findNodes( \@n, $class->{Kids}, 
			"Access", $vis );
		$nodes = \@n;

	return if ( $#{$nodes} < 0 );

print CLASS<<EOF;
	foreach $m ( @$nodes ) {
		next if exists $m->{ExtSource};
		if( exists $m->{Compound} ) {
			# compound docs not printed for rootnode
			next if $class eq $rootnode; 

			$name = refName( $m );
		elsif( exists $m->{DocNode} ) {
			# compound nodes have their own page
			$name = refName( $m,  'NumRef' );
		} else {
			$name = esc( $m->{astNodeName} );

		$type = $m->{NodeType};

		print CLASS "<LI>";

		if( $type eq "var" ) {
			print CLASS esc( $m->{Type}), 
				" <b>", $name,"</b>\n";
		elsif( $type eq "method" ) {
			$flags = $m->{Flags};

			if ( !defined $flags ) {
				warn "Method ".$m->{astNodeName}.
					" has no flags\n";

			$name = "<i>$name</i>" if $flags =~ /p/;
			my $extra = "";
			$extra .= "virtual " if $flags =~ "v";
			$extra .= "static " if $flags =~ "s";

			print CLASS $extra, esc($m->{ReturnType}),
				" <b>", $name, "</b> (", 
				esc($m->{Params}), ") ", 
				$flags =~ /c/ ? " const\n": "\n";
		elsif( $type eq "enum" ) {
			print CLASS "enum <b>", $name, "</b> {",
		elsif( $type eq "typedef" ) {
			print CLASS "typedef ", 
				esc($m->{Type}), " <b>",
		else { 
			# unknown type
			print CLASS esc($type), " <b>",

		print CLASS "</LI>\n";

print CLASS<<EOF;


=head2 printIndexEntry

	Parameters: member node

	Prints an index entry for a single node.

	TODO: stub


sub printIndexEntry
	my ( @node ) = @_;

=head2 printMemberName

	Parameters: member node, names...

	Prints the name of one member, customized to type. If names are
	specified, a name anchor is written for each one.


sub printMemberName
	my $m = shift;

	my $name = esc( $m->{astNodeName} );
	my $type = $m->{NodeType};
	my $ref;
	my $flags = undef;

	foreach $ref ( @_ ) {
		print CLASS "<A NAME=", $ref, "></A>";

	print CLASS '<table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><td><strong>';

	if( $type eq "var" ) {
		print CLASS textRef($m->{Type}, $rootnode ), 
		" <b>", $name,"</b>\n";
	elsif( $type eq "method" ) {
		$flags = $m->{Flags};
		$name = "<i>$name</i>" if $flags =~ /p/;

		print CLASS textRef($m->{ReturnType}, $rootnode ),
		" <b>", $name, "</b> (", 
		textRef($m->{Params}, $rootnode ), ")\n";
	elsif( $type eq "enum" ) {
		print CLASS "enum <b>", $name, "</b> {",
	elsif( $type eq "typedef" ) {
		print CLASS "typedef ", 
		textRef($m->{Type}, $rootnode ), " <b>", $name,"</b>";
	else {
		print CLASS $name, " <small>(", esc($type), ")</small>";

	print CLASS "</strong></td></tr></table>";

# extra attributes
	my @extra = ();

	if( !exists $m->{Access} ) {
		print "Member without access:\n";
		kdocAstUtil::dumpAst( $m );

	($ref = $m->{Access}) =~ s/_slots//g;

	push @extra, $ref
		unless $ref =~ /public/
		|| $ref =~ /signal/;

	if ( defined $flags ) {
		my $f;
		my $n;
		foreach $f ( split( "", $flags ) ) {
			$n = $main::flagnames{ $f };
			warn "flag $f has no long name.\n" if !defined $n;
			push @extra, $n;

	if ( $#extra >= 0 ) {
		print CLASS " <small>[", join( " ", @extra ), "]</small>";

	print CLASS "</p>";
# finis

=head2 makeClassList

	Parameters: node

	fills global @clist with a list of all direct, non-external
	compound children of node.


sub makeClassList
	my ( $rootnode ) = @_;

	@clist = ();

	foreach $node ( @ {$rootnode->{Kids}} ) {
		if ( !defined $node ) {
			print "makeClassList: undefined child in rootnode!\n";

		push( @clist, $node ) unless exists $node->{ExtSource}
				|| !exists $node->{Compound};

	@clist = sort { $a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName}  }

sub writeSrcHTML
	my ( $outfile, $infile ) = @_;

	open ( OUT, ">$outfile" ) || die "Couldn't open $outfile for".

	newPgHeader( *OUT{IO}, "Source: $infile", "", "", \%toclinks );
	makeHeader( *OUT{IO}, $infile );

	print OUT $docBotty;
	close OUT;


["kdoc" (text/plain)]

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# KDOC -- C++ and CORBA IDL interface documentation tool.
# Sirtaj Singh Kang <taj@kde.org>, Jan 1999.
# $Id: kdoc,v 1.16 1999/07/16 00:57:52 ssk Exp $

# All files in this project are distributed under the GNU General
# Public License. This is Free Software.

require 5.000;

use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

use Ast;

use kdocUtil;
use kdocAstUtil;
use kdocParseDoc;

# globals

%rootNodes = ();			# root nodes for each file type
$declNodeType = undef;			# last declaration type

# All options

%options = ();				# hash of options (set getopt below)
$libdir = $ENV{KDOCLIBS};
$libname = "";
$outputdir = ".";
@libs = ();				# list of includes
$striphpath = 0;

$doPrivate = 0;
$Version = "$Version\$";

$quiet = 0;
$debug = 0;
$parseonly = 0;

$currentfile = "";
$exe = basename $0;

# these are for expansion of method flags

%flagnames = ( v => 'virtual', 's' => 'static', p => 'pure',
	c => 'const', l => 'slot', i => 'inline', n => 'signal' );

=head1 KDOC -- Source documentation tool 

	Sirtaj Singh Kang <taj@kde.org>, Dec 1998.


# read options

Getopt::Long::config qw( no_ignore_case permute bundling auto_abbrev );

$err = GetOptions( \%options, "html|H", 
	"latex|T", "man|M",  

	# HTML options
	"strip-h-path",	\$striphpath,
	"outputdir|d=s", \$outputdir,
	"name|n=s",	\$libname,
	"help|h", 	\&show_usage,
	"version|v|V", 	\&show_version,
	"private|p",	\$doPrivate,
	"libdir|L=s",	\$libdir, 
	"xref|l=s",	\@libs,

	"quiet|q",	\$quiet,
	"debug|D",	\$debug,
	"parse-only",	\$parseonly );

if ( $err == 0 ) {
	exit 1;

# work out libdir. This is created by kdocLib:writeDoc when
# required.
$libdir = $ENV{HOME}."/.kdoc" unless defined $libdir;

# HTML is the default
if( !exists $options{html} && !exists $options{latex} 
		&& !exists $options{man} && !exists $options{texinfo} ) {
	$options{html} = 1;

# read all libraries
if ( $#libs >= 0 ) {
	require kdocLib;
	foreach my $lib ( @libs ) {
		print "$exe: reading lib: $lib\n" unless $quiet;

		my $relpath = exists $options{url} ? $options{url} 
			: $outputdir;
		print "url: $options{url} outputdir: $outputdir, chose ",
		kdocLib::readLibrary( \&getRoot, $lib, $libdir,
			$relpath );

# process files

die "$exe: no input files.\n" if $#ARGV < 0;

foreach $currentfile ( @ARGV ) {
	open( INPUT, "$currentfile" ) || croak "Can't read from $currentfile";
	print "$exe: processing $currentfile\n" unless $quiet;

	# reset vars
	if ( $currentfile =~ /\.idl\s*$/ ) {
		# IDL file
		$rootNode = getRoot( "IDL" );
	else {
		# assume cxx file
		$rootNode = getRoot( "CXX" );
	$classStack = ();
	$cNode = $rootNode;

	# parse
	do {
		$k = readDecl();

		if( defined $k ) {
			print "\nDecl: <$k>\n" if $debug;
			if( identifyDecl( $k ) && $k =~ /{/ ) {

	} while( defined $k );
	close INPUT;

#kdocAstUtil::testRef( $rootNode );

if ( !$parseonly ) {

	foreach my $name ( keys %rootNodes ) {
		my $node = $rootNodes{ $name };
		kdocAstUtil::makeInherit( $node, $node );
		kdocAstUtil::linkReferences( $node, $node );

		if ( $name eq "CXX" ) {
			if ( exists $options{texinfo} ) {
				require kdoctexi;
				kdoctexi::writeDoc( $libname,
				$node, $outputdir, \%options );
			if ( exists $options{html} ) {
				require kdocCxxHTML;
				kdocCxxHTML::writeDoc( $libname, $node, 
						$outputdir, \%options );
		elsif( $name eq "IDL" ) {
			if ( exists $options{texinfo} ) {
				warn "$exe: sorry, texinfo is not yet ".
					"supported for IDL\n";
			if ( exists $options{html} ) {
				require kdocIDLhtml;
				kdocIDLhtml::writeDoc( $libname, $node,
					$outputdir, \%options );

	# write libraries

	if( $libname ne "" ) {
		require kdocLib;
		foreach my $lang ( keys %rootNodes ) {
			my $node = $rootNodes{ $lang };
			kdocLib::writeDoc( $libname, $node, $lang, $libdir,
					$outputdir, $options{url},
					exists $options{compress} ? 1 : 0 );
else {
	print "\n\tParse Tree\n\t------------\n\n";
	kdocAstUtil::dumpAst( $rootNode );

kdocAstUtil::printDebugStats() if $debug;

# main ends

=head2 readSourceLine

	Returns a raw line read from the current input file.
	This is used by routines outside main, since I don't know
	how to share fds.


sub readSourceLine
	return <INPUT>;

=head2 readCxxLine

	Reads a C++ source line, skipping comments, blank lines,
	preprocessor tokens and the Q_OBJECT macro


sub readCxxLine
	my( $p );
	my( $l );
	while( 1 ) {
		return undef if !defined ($p = <INPUT>);

		$p =~ s#//.*$##g;			# C++ comment
		$p =~ s#/\*(?!\*).*?\*/##g;		# C comment

		# join all multiline comments
		if( $p =~ m#/\*(?!\*)#s ) {
			# unterminated comment
			while( defined ($l = <INPUT>) ) {
				$l =~ s#//.*$##g;		# C++ comment
				$p .= $l;
				$p =~ s#/\*(?!\*).*?\*/##sg;	# C comment
				last LOOP unless $p =~ m#(/\*(?!\*))|(\*/)#sg;

		next if ( $p =~ /^\s*$/s 		# blank lines
			|| $p =~ /^\s*Q_OBJECT/		# QObject macro

		# remove all preprocessor macros except #include
		next if( $p =~ /^\s*#\s*(\w+)/ );
		# {
		#	next if $1 ne "include";
		# }

		$lastLine = $p;

		return $p;

=head2 readCxxCodeBlock

	Reads a C++ code block (recursive curlies), returning the last line
	or undef on error.

	Parameters: none


sub readCxxCodeBlock
# Code: begins in a {, ends in }\s*;?
# In between: cxx source, including {}
	my ( $count ) = 0;
	if ( defined $lastLine ) {
		print "lastLine: '$lastLine'" if $debug;

		my $open = kdocUtil::countReg( $lastLine, "{" );
		my $close = kdocUtil::countReg( $lastLine, "}" );
		$count = $open - $close;

		return $lastLine if ( $open || $close) && $count == 0;

	# find opening brace
	if ( $count == 0 ) {
		while( $count == 0 ) {
			$l = readCxxLine();
			return undef if !defined $l;
			$l =~ s/".*?"//g;

			$count += kdocUtil::countReg( $l, "{" );
			print "c ", $count, " at '$l'" if $debug;
		$count -= kdocUtil::countReg( $l, "}" );

	# find associated closing brace
	while ( $count > 0 ) {
		$l = readCxxLine();
		croak "Confused by unmatched braces" if !defined $l;
		$l =~ s/".*?"//g;

		$add = kdocUtil::countReg( $l, "{" );
		$sub = kdocUtil::countReg( $l, "}" );
		$count += $add - $sub;

		print "o ", $add, " c ", $sub, " at '$l'" if $debug;

	undef $lastLine;
	return $l;

=head2 readDecl

	Returns a declaration and sets the $lastNodeType variable.

	A decl starts with a type or keyword and ends with a ; or {
	The entire decl is returned in a single line, sans newlines.

	lastNodeType values: undef for error, "a" for access specifier,
	"c" for doc comment, "d" for other decls.

	readCxxLine is used to read the declaration.


sub readDecl
	undef $declNodeType;
	my $l = readCxxLine();
	my ( $decl ) = "";

	if( !defined $l ) {
		return undef;
	elsif ( $l =~ /^\s*(private|public|protected|signals)
		(\s+\w+)?\s*:/x ) { # access specifier
		$declNodeType = "a";

		return $l;
	elsif ( $l =~ m#^\s*/\*\*# ) {	# doc comment
		$declNodeType = "c";
		return $l;

	do {
		$decl .= $l;

		if ( $l =~ /[{;]/ ) {
			$decl =~ s/\n/ /gs;
			$declNodeType = "d";
			return $decl;
		return undef if !defined ($l = readCxxLine());

	} while ( 1 );

=head2 identifyDecl

	Parameters: decl

	Identifies a declaration returned by readDecl. If a code block
	needs to be skipped, this subroutine returns a 1, or 0 otherwise.


sub identifyDecl
	my( $decl ) = @_;

	my $newNode = undef;
	my $skipBlock = 0;

	# Doc comment
	if ( $declNodeType eq "c" ) {
		$docNode = kdocParseDoc::newDocComment( $decl );

	elsif ( $declNodeType eq "a" ) {
		newAccess( $decl );

	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*typedef\s+(struct|union|class|enum)\s*/ ) {
		warn "typedef '$1' at $currentfile:$.\n";
		$skipBlock = 1;

	# Typedef
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*typedef\s+
			(.*?\s*[\*&]?)		# type
			\s*([-\w_\:]+)		# name
			\s*[{;]\s*$/xs  ) {

		print "Typedef: <$1> <$2>\n" if $debug;
		$newNode = newTypedef( $1, $2 );

	# Enum
# mchen (6) - changed to remove extra space from front of enum name
#	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*enum(\s+[-\w_:]*)?\s*\{(.*)/s  ) {
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*enum\s+([-\w_:]*)?\s*\{(.*)/s  ) {

		print "Enum: <$1>\n" if $debug;
		my $enumname = defined $2 ? $1 : "";

		$newNode = newEnum( $enumname );

	# Class/Struct
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*(template\s*<(.*)>)?	# template
			\s*(class|struct|union) 	# struct type
			\s+([-\w_]+)			# name
			(.*?)				# inheritance?
			[;{]/xs ) {

		print "Class: [$1]\n\t[$2]\n\t[$3]\n\t[$4]\n\t[$5]\n" if $debug;

		my ( $tfull, $targs, $ntype, $name, $rest ) =
			( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );
		my @inherits = ();

		if(  $rest =~ /^\s*:\s*/ ) {
			$rest = $';
			@inherits = split /\s*,\s*/, $rest;

			if ( $debug ) {
				foreach $rest ( @inherits ) {
					print "Inherits: $rest\n" 

		$newNode = newClass( $decl, $tfull, $targs, $ntype, 
			$name, @inherits );
	# IDL compound node
	elsif( $decl =~ /^\s*(module|interface|exception) # struct type
			\s+([-\w_]+)			# name
			(.*?)				# inheritance?
			([;{])/xs ) {
		my ( $type, $name, $rest, $fwd, $complete ) 
			= ( $1, $2, $3, $4 eq ";" ? 1 : 0,
				0 );
		my @in = ();
		print "IDL: [$type] [$name] [$rest] [$fwd]\n" if $debug;

		if( $rest =~ /^\s*:\s*/ ) {
			$rest = $';
			$rest =~ s/\s+//g;
			@in = split ",", $rest;
		if( $decl =~ /}\s*;/ ) {
			$complete = 1;

		$newNode = newIDLstruct( $type, $name, $fwd, $complete, @in );
	# Method
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*(.+?) 	# return type + name
		\( (.*?) \)		# parameters
		(.*?)[;{]+/xs ) {	# rest

		print "Method: [$1]\n\t[$2]\n\t[$3]\n" if $debug;

		my $tpn = $1; # type + name
		my $params = $2;
		my $rest = $3;

		my $const = 0;
		if( $rest =~ /const/ ) {
			$const = 1;

		my $pure = 0;
		if ( $rest =~ /=\s*0/ ) {
			$pure = 1;

		if ( $tpn =~ /((:?\S+::)?operator.*?)\s*$/ 	 # operator
				|| $tpn =~ /(~?[-\w:]+)\s*$/ ) { # normal
			$name = $1;
			$tpn = $`;
			$newNode = newMethod( $tpn, $name, 
					$params, $const, $pure );

		$skipBlock = 1;

	# Variable
	elsif ( $decl =~ /^\s*(?:[\w_:<>]\s*)+ # type
			[\&\s\*]*	# ptr or ref
			[\w_\[\]\s]+	# name
			(?:\=.*)?	# value
			\s*[;{]/xs ) {
		# TODO FIXME: Assuming everything is a variable.

		my $val = undef;

		if ( $decl =~ /=(.*?)\s*[;{]/ ) {
			# store and remove value
			$val = $1;
# mchen (7) - changed stripping of "= value" so that the remaining
# decl has no spaces between the type and the ending ";" (otherwise
# the parsing afterwards has problems with 
# const nameSearchFlags_t FL_LOCKLEAF     = 0x04;
# and can only parse
# const nameSearchFlags_t FL_LOCKLEAF = 0x4;
#			$decl =~ s/=.*([;{])/$1/;
			$decl =~ s/\s*=.*([;{])/$1/;

		if( $decl =~ /^(.*)([\s&\*]+)\s* # type
				([\w:_\s]+)	# name
				\s*((?:\[.*\])?) # array
				\s*([;{])\s*$/xs ) {	# end
			my $var = $3;
			my $rest = $1.$2.$4;
			$rest =~ s/\s+$//g;

			print "Var: [$var] type: [$rest] val: [$val]\n" 
				if $debug;

			$newNode = newVar( $rest, $var, $val );

			$skipBlock = 1 if $decl =~ /{\s*$/;
		else {
			carp "Type match: failed with $decl\n";

	# end of an in-block declaration
	elsif ( $decl =~ /}\s*(.*?);/ ) {

		if ( $#classStack < 0 ) {
			confess "close decl found, but no class in stack!" ;
			$cNode = $rootNode;
		else {
			$cNode = pop @classStack;
			print "end decl: popped $cNode->{astNodeName}\n" 
				if $debug;

	# unidentified block start
	elsif ( $decl =~ /{/ ) {

# mchen (8) - change so that parsing of extern "C" {} blocks works
	        if ( $decl =~ /extern/ ) {
		    print "extern \"C\" block\n";
                } else {
		    print "Unidentified block start: $decl\n" if $debug;
		    $skipBlock = 1;
	else {

		## decl is unidentified.
		warn "Unidentified decl: $decl\n";

	# once we get here, the last doc node is already used.
	if( defined $newNode ) {

		$newNode->AddProp( "Source", $currentfile )
			unless $newNode->{NodeType} eq "Forward";

		if ( defined $docNode ) {
			$newNode->AddProp( "DocNode", $docNode );
			$newNode->AddProp( "Internal", 1 ) 
				if defined $docNode->{Internal};
			$newNode->AddProp( "Deprecated", 1 ) 
				if defined $docNode->{Deprecated};

			undef $docNode;

	return $skipBlock;

=head2 newEnum

	Reads the parameters of an enumeration.

	Returns the parameters, or undef on error.


sub newEnum
	my ( $enum ) = @_;
	my $k = undef;
	my $params = "";

	$k = $lastLine if defined $lastLine;

	if( defined $lastLine && $lastLine =~ /{/ ) {
		$params = $';
		if ( $lastLine =~ /}(.*?);/ ) {
			return initEnum( $enum, $1, $params );

	while ( defined ( $k = readCxxLine() ) ) {
		$params .= $k;

		if ( $k =~ /}(.*?);/ ) {
			return initEnum( $enum, $1, $params );

	return undef;

=head3 initEnum

	Parameters: name, (ref) params

	Returns an initialized enum node.


sub initEnum
	my( $name, $end, $params ) = @_;

	($name = $end) if $name eq "" && $end ne "";

	$params =~ s#\s+# #sg; # no newlines
	$params = $1 if $params =~ /^\s*{?(.*)}/;
	print "$name params: [$params]\n" if $debug;

	my ( $node ) = Ast::New( $name );
	$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "enum" );
	$node->AddProp( "Params", $params );
	kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );

	return $node;

=head2 newIDLstruct

	Parameters: type, name, forward, complete, inherits...

	Handles an IDL structure definition (ie module, interface,


sub newIDLstruct
	my ( $type, $name, $fwd, $complete ) = @_;

	my $node = exists $cNode->{KidHash} ? 
		$cNode->{KidHash}->{ $name } : undef;

	if( !defined $node ) {
		$node = Ast::New( $name );
		$node->AddProp( "NodeType", $fwd ? "Forward" : $type );
		$node->AddProp( "KidAccess", "public" );
		$node->AddProp( "Compound", 1 ) unless $fwd;
		kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );
	elsif ( $fwd ) {
		# If we have a node already, we ignore forwards.
		return undef;
	elsif ( $node->{NodeType} eq "Forward" ) {
		# we are defining a previously forward node.
		$node->AddProp( "NodeType", $type );
		$node->AddProp( "Compound", 1 );

	# register ancestors.
	foreach my $ances ( splice ( @_, 4 ) ) {
		my $n = kdocAstUtil::newInherit( $node, $ances );

	if( !( $fwd || $complete) ) {
		print "newIDL: pushing $cNode->{astNodeName},",
			" new is $node->{astNodeName}\n"
				if $debug;
		push @classStack, $cNode;
		$cNode = $node;

	return $node;

=head2 newClass

	Parameters: decl, tmplFull, tmplArgs, cNodeType, name, @inheritlist

	Handles a class declaration (also fwd decls).


sub newClass
	my( $decl, $tmplFull, $tmplArgs,
		$cNodeType, $name ) = @_;

	my $access = "private";
	$access = "public" if $cNodeType ne "class";

	# try to find an exisiting node, or create a new one
	my $oldnode = kdocAstUtil::findRef( $cNode, $name );
	my $node = undef;
	my $node = defined $oldnode ? $oldnode : Ast::New( $name );

	unless ( $decl =~ /{/ ) {
		# forward
		if ( !defined $oldnode ) {
			# new forward node
			$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "Forward" );
			$node->AddProp( "KidAccess", $access );
			kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );
		return $node;

	# this is a class declaration

	print "ClassName: $name\n" if $debug;

	$node->AddProp( "NodeType", $cNodeType );
	$node->AddProp( "Compound", 1 );

	$node->AddProp( "KidAccess", $access );
	$node->AddProp( "Tmpl", $tmplArgs ) unless !defined $tmplArgs;

	if ( !defined $oldnode ) {
		kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );

	# inheritance

	foreach my $ances ( splice (@_, 5) ) {
		my $type = "";
		my $name = $ances;
		my $intmpl = undef;

		foreach my $word ( split ( /([\w:]+(:?\s*<.*>)?)/, $ances ) ) {
			next WORD unless $word =~ /^[\w:]/;
			if ( $word =~ /(private|public|protected|virtual)/ ) {
				$type .= "$1 ";
			else {
				if ( $word =~ /<(.*)>/ ) {
					# FIXME: Handle multiple tmpl args
					$name = $`;
					$intmpl = $1;
				else {
					$name = $word;

				last WORD;
		chop $type unless $type eq "";
		my $n = kdocAstUtil::newInherit( $node, $name );
		$n->AddProp( "Type", $type );

		$n->AddProp( "TmplType", $intmpl ) if defined $intmpl;

	# new current node
	print "newClass: Pushing $cNode->{astNodeName}\n" if $debug;
	push ( @classStack, $cNode );
	$cNode = $node;

	return $node;

=head2 newTypedef

	Parameters: realtype, name

	Handles a type definition.


sub newTypedef
	my ( $realtype, $name ) = @_;

	my ( $node ) = Ast::New( $name );

	$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "typedef" );
	$node->AddProp( "Type", $realtype );

	kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );

	return $node;

=head2 newMethod

	Parameters: retType, name, params, const, pure?

	Handles a new method declaration or definition.


sub newMethod
	my ( $retType, $name, $params, $const, $pure ) = @_;
	my $parent = $cNode;
	my $class;

	print "Cracked: [$retType] [$name]\n\t[$params]\n\t[$const]\n" 
		if $debug;

	if ( $retType =~ /([\w\s_<>]+)\s*::\s*$/ ) {
		# check if stuff before :: got into rettype by mistake.
		$retType = $`;
		($name = $1."::".$name);
		$name =~ s/\s+//g;
		print "New name = \"$name\" and type = '$retType'\n";

	if( $name =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*::\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) {
		# Fully qualified method name.
		$name = $2;
		$class = $1;

		if( $class =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
			$parent = $rootNode;
		elsif ( $class eq $cNode->{astNodeName} ) {
			$parent = $cNode;
		else {
			my $node = kdocAstUtil::findRef( $cNode, $class );

			if ( !defined $node ) {
				warn "$exe: Unidentified class: $class ".
					"in $currentfile\:$.\n";
				return undef;

			$parent = $node;
	else {
		# Within current class/global

	# flags

	my $flags = "";

	if( $retType =~ /static/ ) {
		$flags .= "s";
		$retType =~ s/static//g;

	if( $const ) {
		$flags .= "c";

	if( $pure ) {
		$flags .= "p";

	if( $retType =~ /virtual/ ) {
		$flags .= "v";
		$retType =~ s/virtual//g;

	print "\n" if $flags ne "" && $debug;

	if ( !defined $parent->{KidAccess} ) {
		warn "'", $parent->{astNodeName}, "' has no KidAccess ",
		exists $parent->{Forward} ? "(forward)\n" :"\n";

	if ( $parent->{KidAccess} =~ /slot/ ) {
		$flags .= "l";
	elsif ( $parent->{KidAccess} =~ /signal/ ) {
		$flags .= "n";

	# node
	my $node = Ast::New( $name );
	$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "method" );
	$node->AddProp( "Flags", $flags );
	$node->AddProp( "ReturnType", $retType );
	$node->AddProp( "Params", $params );

	$parent->AddProp( "Pure", 1 ) if $pure;
	kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $parent, $node );

	return $node;

=head2 newAccess

	Parameters: access

	Sets the default "Access" specifier for the current class node. If
	the access is a "slot" type, "_slots" is appended to the access


sub newAccess
	my ( $access ) = @_;

	return undef unless ($access =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*(slots)?/);

	print "Access: [$1] [$2]\n" if $debug;

	$access = $1;

	if ( defined $2 && $2 ne "" ) {
		$access .= "_" . $2;

	$cNode->AddProp( "KidAccess", $access );

	return $cNode;

=head2 newVar

	Parameters: type, name, value

	New variable. Value is ignored if undef


sub newVar
	my ( $type, $name, $val ) = @_;

	my $node = Ast::New( $name );
	$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "var" );

	my $static = 0;
	if ( $type =~ /static/ ) {
		$type =~ s/static//;
		$static = 1;

	$node->AddProp( "Type", $type );
	$node->AddProp( "Static", $static );
	$node->AddProp( "Value", $val ) if defined $val;
	kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $cNode, $node );

	return $node;

=head2 show_usage

	Display usage information and quit.


sub show_usage
	$exe [options] [-d outdir] [-n name] files... [-llib..]

See the man page kdoc[1] for more info.
	exit 1;

=head2 show_version

	Display short version information and quit.


sub show_version
	die "kdoc: $Version (c) Sirtaj S. Kang <taj\@kde.org>\n";

=head2 getRoot

	Return a root node for the given type of input file.


sub getRoot
	my $type = shift;
	carp "getRoot called without type" unless defined $type;

	if ( !exists $rootNodes{ $type } ) {
		my $node = Ast::New( "Global" );	# parent of all nodes
		$node->AddProp( "NodeType", "root" );
		$node->AddProp( "RootType", $type );
		$node->AddProp( "Compound", 1 );
		$node->AddProp( "KidAccess", "public" );

		$rootNodes{ $type } = $node;
	print "getRoot: call for $type\n" if $debug;

	return $rootNodes{ $type };

["kdocLib.pm" (text/plain)]

=head1 kdocLib

Writes out a library file.


	Stores: class name, members, hierarchy
	node types are not stored

	File Format Spec

	zero or more members, each of
		class, each of
			zero or more members

	Unrecognized lines  ignored.


	<! KDOC Library HTML Reference File>
	<BASE URL="http://www.kde.org/API/kdecore/">

	<C NAME="KApplication" REF="KApplication.html">
		<IN NAME="QObject">
		<ME NAME="getConfig" REF="KApplication.html#getConfig">
		<M NAME="" REF="">


package kdocLib;

use Carp;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;

use Ast;
use kdocAstUtil;
use kdocUtil;

	$exe = basename $0;

sub writeDoc
	( $lib, $root, $plang, $outputdir, $docpath, $url, 
		$compress ) = @_;
	$outfile = "$outputdir/$lib.kdoc";
	$url = $docpath unless defined $url;

	mkpath( $outputdir ) unless -f $outputdir;

	if( $compress ) {
		open( LIB, "| gzip -9 > \"$outfile.gz\"" ) 
			|| die "$exe: couldn't write to $outfile.gz\n";

	else {
		open( LIB, ">$outfile" ) 
			|| die "$exe: couldn't write to $outfile\n";
	print LIB<<LTEXT;
<! KDOC Library HTML Reference File>
<BASE URL="$url">
	print LIB "<PLANG=\"$plang\">\n";
	writeNode( $root, "" );
	close LIB;

sub writeNode
	my ( $n, $prefix ) = @_;
	return if !exists $n->{Compound};
	return if exists $n->{Forward} && !exists $n->{KidAccess};

	if( $n != $root ) {
		$prefix .= $n->{astNodeName};
		print LIB "<C NAME=\"", $n->{astNodeName},
			"\" REF=\"$prefix.html\">\n";

	if( exists $n->{Ancestors} ) {
		my $in;
		foreach $in ( @{$n->{Ancestors}} ) {
			$in =~ s/\s+//g;
			print LIB "<IN NAME=\"",$in,"\">\n";

	return if !exists $n->{Kids};
	my $kid;
	my $type;

	foreach $kid ( @{$n->{Kids}} ) {
		next if exists $kid->{ExtSource}
			|| $kid->{Access} eq "private";

		if ( exists $kid->{Compound} ) {
			if( $n != $root ) {
				writeNode( $kid, $prefix."::" );
			else {
				writeNode( $kid, "" );

		$type = $kid->{NodeType} eq "method" ? 
			"ME" : "M";

# mchen (1) - change so that globals are referenced via file all-globals.html
# instead of prefix.html
		if ($prefix eq "") {
		    print LIB "<$type NAME=\"", 
		              "\" REF=\"$all-globals.html#",
		              $kid->{astNodeName}, "\">\n";
	        } else {
		    print LIB "<$type NAME=\"", 
		              "\" REF=\"$prefix.html#",
		              $kid->{astNodeName}, "\">\n";

	if( $n != $root ) {
		print LIB "</C>\n";

sub readLibrary
	my( $rootsub, $name, $path, $relurl ) = @_;
	$path = "." unless defined $path;
	my $real = $path."/".$name.".kdoc";
	my $url = ".";
	my @stack = ();
	my $version = "2.0";
	my $new;
	my $root = undef;
	my $n = undef;
	my $havecomp = -r "$real.gz";
	my $haveuncomp = -r "$real";
	if ( $haveuncomp ) {
		open( LIB, "$real" ) || die "Can't read lib $real\n";

	if( $havecomp ) {
		if ( $haveuncomp ) {
			warn "$exe: two libs exist: $real and $real.gz. "
				."Using $real\n";
		else {
			open( LIB, "gunzip < \"$real.gz\"|" ) 
			|| die "Can't read pipe gunzip < \"$real.gz\": $?\n";

	while( <LIB> ) {
		next if /^\s*$/;
		if ( !/^\s*</ ) {
			close LIB;
			readOldLibrary( $root, $name, $path );

		if( /<VER\w+\s+([\d\.]+)>/ ) {
			# TODO: what do we do with the version number?
			$version = $1;
		elsif ( /<BASE\s*URL\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/ ) {
			$url = $1;
			$url .= "/" unless $url =~ m:/$:;

			my $test = kdocUtil::makeRelativePath( $relurl, $url );
			print "Relative URL for '$relurl' and $url: $test\n";
			$url = $test;
		elsif( /<PLANG\s*=\s*"(.*?)">/ ) {
			print "lib language: $1\n" if $main::debug;
			$root = $rootsub->( $1 );
			$n = $root;
		elsif ( /<C\s*NAME="(.*?)"\s*REF="(.*?)"\s*>/  ) {
			# class
			$new = Ast::New( $1 );
			$new->AddProp( "NodeType", "class" );
			$new->AddProp( "Compound", 1 );
			$new->AddProp( "ExtSource", $name );
			$new->AddProp( "Ref", $url.$2 );

			$root = $n = $rootsub->( "CXX" ) unless defined $root;
			kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $n, $new );
			push @stack, $n;
			$n = $new;
		elsif ( m#<IN\s*NAME\s*=\s*"(.*?)"\s*># ) {
			# ancestor
			kdocAstUtil::newInherit( $n, $1 );
		elsif ( m#</C># ) {
			# end class
			$n = pop @stack;
		elsif ( m#<(M\w*)\s+NAME="(.*?)"\s+REF="(.*?)"\s*># ) {
			# member
			$new = Ast::New( $2 );
			$new->AddProp( "NodeType", 
					$1 eq "ME" ? "method" : "var" );
			$new->AddProp( "ExtSource", $name );
			$new->AddProp( "Flags", "" );
			$new->AddProp( "Ref", $url.$3 );

			kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $n, $new );

=head2 readLibrary

	Parameters: rootnode, libname.

	Read a kdoc 1.0 library into the node tree. Each external class
	will have its "ExtSource" property set to the library name.


sub readOldLibrary
	my ( $root, $libname, $libdir ) = @_;

	my @nodeStack = ();
	my $cnode = $root;
	my $fullpath = $libdir."/".$libname.".kdoc";
	my $liburl = "";
	my $newNode;
	my $newMem;
	open( LIB,  $fullpath) || die "$exe: Can't read library $fullpath\n"; 

	$liburl = <LIB>;
	carp "Empty libfile: $fullpath\n" if !defined $liburl;
	$liburl =~ s/\s+//g;

	while( <LIB> ) {
		# class url
		next if !/^([^=]+)=/;
		$src = $1;
		$target = $';
		if ( $src =~ /::/ ) {
			# member
			next if !defined $newNode 
				|| $newNode->{astNodeName} ne $src;
			$newMem = Ast::New( $' );
			$newMem->AddProp( "NodeType", "Anon" );
			$newMem->AddProp( "Ref", $liburl."/".$target );
			kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $newNode, $newMem );
		else {
			# class
			$src =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/g;
			$newNode = Ast::New(  $src );
			$newNode->AddProp( "NodeType", "class" );
			$newNode->AddProp( "ExtSource", $libname );
			$newNode->AddProp( "Compound", 1 );
			$newNode->AddProp( "KidAccess", "public" );
			$newNode->AddProp( "Ref", $liburl."/".$target );
			kdocAstUtil::attachChild( $root, $newNode );

	close( LIB );


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