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List:       exmh-users
Subject:    Msg_CompTo
From:       "Brent B. Welch" <Brent.Welch () Eng ! Sun ! COM>
Date:       1997-08-26 21:24:31
[Download RAW message or body]

This is a multipart MIME message.

I was inspired to add "Msg_CompTo", which uses the current
selection as the address field.  I'll append all of my current
msg.tcl to this file.

>>>Randy J. Ray said:
 > >>>>> "snk" == snk  <snk@dts.net>
 > >>>>> wrote the following on Tue, 26 Aug 1997 14:16:50 -0400
 >   snk> Brent, This works great!
 >   snk> In message <199708252222.PAA08635@sage.Eng.Sun.COM> "Brent
 >   snk> B. Welch" <Brent.Welch@Eng.Sun.COM> writes:
 >   >> You need a wish script, and you use the Tk send command:
 >   >> 
 >   >> #!/usr/local/bin/wish wm withdraw . ;# hide main window
 >   >> send exmh Inc exit
 > Just an FYI, for those who mix-n-match languages like I do, Perl 5 + Tk (the
 > Tk extension for Perl) can also chat reasonably happily with exmh. I've play
 > around with little sticky-button-apps that auto-spawn a compose, etc. What I
 > LIKE to do is be able to grab an e-mail address in the cut/paste buffer, cli
 > on some icon/button and have the comp window come up with said address alrea
 > in the To: line.
 > Randy
 > --
 > ============================================================================
 > Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST Technologies IAD/CSS/DPDS         Phone: (303)595-2
 >                 Denver, CO                                     rjray@uswest.
 > "It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." --Cal

--	Brent Welch	Sun Labs	brent.welch@sun.com

["msg.tcl" (application/x-tcl)]

# msg.tcl
# Operations on messages
# Copyright (c) 1993 Xerox Corporation.
# Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
# upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
# derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
# control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
# makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
# any specification.

proc Msg_Init {} {
    Preferences_Resource msg(tagnames) m_tagnames general
    Preferences_Resource msg(tag,general) m_general {-relief flat}
    Msg_Reset 0

proc Msg_Reset { numMsgs {folder {}} } {
    # Reset state after scanning a new folder
    global msg
    set msg(seen) {}			;# list of seen messages
    set msg(seenOld) {}			;# seen, then deleted or moved
    set msg(dpy)  {}			;# Currently displayed message
    set msg(id) [Mh_Cur $folder]	;# pick current message
    set msg(path) ""			;# File pathname of current message
    Buttons_Current [expr {$msg(id) != {}}]	;# Enable/disable buttons
    Ftoc_Reset $numMsgs $msg(id) $folder	;# Reset display
proc Msg_CheckPoint {} {
    # push current MH state to disk
    global exmh msg
    if {$msg(id) != ""} {
	set cur $msg(id)
    } else {
	set cur ""
    if {$cur != ""} {
	Mh_SetCur $exmh(folder) $cur
    } else {
	Mh_ClearCur $exmh(folder)
    if {$msg(seen) != {}} {
	Mh_MarkSeen $exmh(folder) $msg(seen)
	set msg(seen) {}
    set msg(seenOld) {}
proc Msg_Pick { line {show show} } {
    # Select a message
    global exwin msg
    Exmh_Debug Msg_Pick line=$line
    set msgNum [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
    if {$msgNum != {} && $msgNum != 0} {
	Msg_Change $msgNum $show $line
    } else {

proc Msg_ShowCurrent { {show show} } {
    global msg
    if {$msg(id) != {}} {
	set msg(dpy) {}	;# force redisplay
	Msg_Change $msg(id) $show
	return 1
    } else {
	Ftoc_Yview end
	return 0
proc Msg_ShowUnseen { {show show} } {
    global exmh
    foreach id [Flist_UnseenMsgs $exmh(folder)] {
	if {![Ftoc_Marked $id]} {
	    Msg_Change $id show
	    return 1
    return 0
proc Msg_ClearCurrent { } {
    global msg exmh
    set msg(id) {}		;# Clear current message
    set msg(dpy) {}		;# and currently displayed message
    Mh_ClearCur $exmh(folder)
    Buttons_Current 0
proc MsgClear {} {
    global exwin msg
    Label_Message ""
    set msg(dpy) {}
    $exwin(mtext) configure -state normal
    $exwin(mtext) delete 0.0 end
    $exwin(mtext) configure -state disabled
proc Msg_ShowSomething {} {
    global exmh msg
    set order {unseen cur}
    foreach pick $order {
	if {[catch {MhExec pick +$exmh(folder) $pick} tmp] == 0} then {
	    Msg_Change [lindex $tmp 0] show
    # Hack
    global ftoc
    Msg_Pick $ftoc(numMsgs) show
proc Msg_ShowWhat { {what last} {show show} } {
    if {$what == {}} {
	return 0
    } else {
	Msg_Change {} $show $what
	return 1
proc Msg_First { {show noshow} } {
    Msg_Change {} $show first

proc Msg_Last { {show noshow} } {
    Msg_Change {} $show last

proc Msg_Change {msgid {show show} {line {}} } {
    Exmh_Debug Msg_Change id=$msgid line=$line
    Exmh_Debug Msg_Change [time [list MsgChange $msgid $show $line]]
proc MsgChange {msgid {show show} {line {}} } {
    global exmh exwin msg mhProfile

    if {$msgid != {}} {
	# Allow null msgid from Msg_ShowWhat, which supplies line instead
	if {$msgid < 0}  return
    } else {
	set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber [Ftoc_FindMsg $msgid $line]]
    if {! [Ftoc_Change $msgid $line $show]} {
	Exmh_Status "Cannot find msg $msgid - Rescan?"
    } else {
	if {$msg(id) == {}} {
	    Buttons_Current 1
	set msg(id) $msgid
	set msg(path) $mhProfile(path)/$exmh(folder)/$msg(id)
	if {$show == "show"} {
	    MsgShow $msgid
	} else {
	if {$line != {}} {
	    Ftoc_MoveFeedback $msgid $line

proc MsgSeen { msgid } {
    # Suppress duplicates or else mark does the wrong thing.
    global msg
    if {[lsearch $msg(seen) $msgid] < 0} {
	lappend msg(seen) $msgid
    Flist_MsgSeen $msgid
proc Msg_UnSeen { msgid } {
    # We nuke deleted and moved messages from the seen list because
    # marking them confuses MH.  However, we still need to remember
    # them to properly maintain our unseen state in the presense of
    # background Flist_FindUnseen calls.  Hence msg(seenOld)
    global msg
    set ix [lsearch $msg(seen) $msgid]
    if {$ix >= 0} {
	set msg(seen) [lreplace $msg(seen) $ix $ix]
	if {[lsearch $msg(seenOld) $msgid] < 0} {
	    lappend msg(seenOld) $msgid
proc Msg_Seen {} {
    global msg
    return [concat $msg(seenOld) $msg(seen)]

# Message operations.
# These take two forms of arguments.  The original form is a single
# argument that is the name of a hook procedure.  The new form is
# a set of arguments for the underlying MH command.  The distinction is
# made by seeing if the argument is the name of a Tcl command, if
# not it is assumed to be arguments to the MH command.

proc Msg_Compose { args } {
    if {[string length $args] == 0} {
	set args Mh_CompSetup
    if {[string compare [info command $args] $args] == 0} {
	# Old interface with hook procedure
	if [catch {$args} err] {			;# Setup draft msg
	    Exmh_Status "$args: $err" purple
    } else {
	if {![eval MsgComp $args]} {
    Edit_Draft					;# Run the editor
proc Msg_CompUse {folder id} {
    global mhProfile
    if {[string compare $folder $mhProfile(draft-folder)] == 0} {
	Mh_SetCur $mhProfile(draft-folder) $id
	Msg_Compose $id -use
    } else {
	Msg_Compose +$folder $id
# Use current selection as To: header
proc Msg_CompTo {args} {
    global mhProfile
    if {[catch {selection get} address]} {
	Exmh_Status "Select an address for Msg_CompTo"
    if {![eval MsgComp $args]} {
    set draftID [Mh_Cur $mhProfile(draft-folder)]
    if {$draftID == {}} {
    # re-write draft with new To: header
    if [catch {
	set path $mhProfile(path)/$mhProfile(draft-folder)/$draftID
	set in [open $path]
	set X [read $in]
	close $in
	regsub -nocase "(^|\n)to:\[^\n\]*\n" $X "To: $address\n" X
	set out [open $path w]
	puts -nonewline $out $X
	close $out
    } err] {
	Exmh_Status $err
    Edit_Draft					;# Run the editor
# General wrapper around comp
proc MsgComp {args} {
    # allow args to include $exmh(folder) $msg(id) $mhProfile(path)
    global exmh msg mhProfile	
    set exmh(ctype) {comp}
    if [catch {
	set ix [lsearch $args -form]
	if {$ix < 0} {
	    if [file exists $mhProfile(path)/$exmh(folder)/components] {
		lappend args -form $exmh(folder)/components
	Exmh_Status "comp $args"
	eval {MhExec comp -nowhatnowproc} $args
    } err] {
	Exmh_Status "comp: $err"
	return 0
    return 1
proc Msg_Reply { args } {
    global exmh msg mhProfile
    set exmh(ctype) {repl}
    if {[string length $args] == 0} {
	set args Mh_ReplySetup

    if [MsgOk $msg(id) m] {
	Quote_MakeFile $exmh(folder) $m
	set edit 1
	if {[string compare [info command $args] $args] == 0} {
	    # Old interface with hook procedure
	    if [catch {$args $exmh(folder) $m} err] {	;# Setup draft msg
		Exmh_Status "${args}: $err" purple
	} else {
	    Exmh_Status "repl $args" purple
	    if [catch {
		set ix [lsearch $args -noedit]
		if {$ix >= 0} {
		    set edit 0
		    set args [lreplace $args $ix $ix]
		set ix [lsearch $args -form]
		if {$ix < 0} {
		    if [file exists $mhProfile(path)/$exmh(folder)/replcomps] {
			lappend args -form $exmh(folder)/replcomps
			Exmh_Status "repl $args" purple
		eval {MhExec repl +$exmh(folder) $m -nowhatnowproc} $args
		MhAnnoSetup $exmh(folder) $m repl
	    } err] {	;# Setup draft msg
		Exmh_Status "repl: $err" purple
		Quote_Cleanup				;# Nuke @ link
	if {$edit} {
	    Edit_Draft					;# Run the editor
	} else {
	    Edit_Done send				;# Just send it

proc Msg_Forward { args } {
    global exmh msg
    set exmh(ctype) {forw}
    if {[string length $args] == 0} {
	set args Mh_ForwSetup

    set ids {}
    Ftoc_Iterate line {
	set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
	if {$msgid != {}} {
	    lappend ids $msgid
    if {[llength $ids] > 0} {
	global mhProfile
	set mime 0
	if [info exists mhProfile(forw)] {
	    if {[lsearch $mhProfile(forw) -mime] >= 0} {
		set mime 1
	if {[string compare [info command $args] $args] == 0} {
	    # Old interface with hook procedure
	    if [catch {$args $exmh(folder) $ids} err] {	;# Setup draft msg
		Exmh_Status "${args}: $err" purple
	}  else {
	    Exmh_Status "forw +$exmh(folder) $ids $args"
	    if [catch {
		if {[lsearch $args -mime] >= 0} {
		    set mime 1
		set ix [lsearch $args -form]
		if {$ix < 0} {
		    if [file exists $mhProfile(path)/$exmh(folder)/forwcomps] {
			lappend args -form $exmh(folder)/forwcomps
			Exmh_Status "forw +$exmh(folder) $ids $args"
		eval {MhExec forw +$exmh(folder)} $ids -nowhatnowproc $args
		MhAnnoSetup $exmh(folder) $ids forw
	    } err] {
		Exmh_Status "forw: $err" purple
	# sedit hack
	global sedit
	set old $sedit(mhnDefault)
	if {$mime} {set sedit(mhnDefault) 1}
	Edit_Draft					;# Run the editor
	set sedit(mhnDefault) $old

proc Msg_Dist { args } {
    global exmh msg
    set exmh(ctype) {dist}
    if {[string length $args] == 0} {
	set args Mh_DistSetup

    if [MsgOk $msg(id) m] {
	if {[string compare [info command $args] $args] == 0} {
	    # Old interface with hook procedure
	    if [catch {$args $exmh(folder) $m} err] {   ;# Setup draft msg
		Exmh_Status "${args}: $err" purple
	}  else {
	    if [catch {
		Exmh_Status "dist +$exmh(folder) $m"
		eval {MhExec dist +$exmh(folder) $m} -nowhatnowproc $args
		MhAnnoSetup $exmh(folder) $m dist
	    } err] {
		Exmh_Status "dist: $err" purple
	Edit_Draft                                  ;# Run the editor
proc MsgOk { number msgvar } {
    upvar $msgvar msg
    if {$number != ""} {
	set msg $number
	return 1
    } else {
	Exmh_Status "No valid message number" red
	return 0

proc Msg_Remove { {rmProc Ftoc_RemoveMark} {show show} } {
    Exmh_Debug Msg_Remove $rmProc
    Ftoc_Iterate line {
	set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
	Exmh_Debug Msg_Remove l=$line m=$msgid
	$rmProc $line $msgid
    if {[Ftoc_PickSize] == 1} {
	Ftoc_NextImplied $show
proc Msg_RemoveNoshow { {rmProc Ftoc_RemoveMark} } {
    Msg_Remove $rmProc noshow
proc Msg_RemoveById { msgid {rmProc Ftoc_Delete} } {
    global msg
    set line [Ftoc_FindMsg $msgid]
    $rmProc $line $msgid
    Msg_UnSeen $msgid
    if {$msg(id) == $msgid} {
proc Msg_Move { {moveProc Ftoc_MoveMark} {advance 1} {show show} } {
    global exmh

    if {$exmh(target) == ""} {
	Exmh_Status "Right click on folder label to pick destination" purple
    if { $exmh(target) != $exmh(folder)} then {
	Ftoc_Iterate line {
	    set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
	    $moveProc $line $msgid
	Exmh_Status "=> $exmh(target)"
	if {[Ftoc_Advance $advance] && ([Ftoc_PickSize] == 1)} {
	    Ftoc_NextImplied $show
    } else {
	Exmh_Status "Move requires target folder != current folder"
proc Msg_MoveNoshow { {moveProc Ftoc_MoveMark} } {
    Msg_Move $moveProc 1 noshow
proc Msg_Clip { {folder {}}  {id {}} } {
    # "Tear off" a message into a top-level text widget
    global mhProfile exmh msg exwin

    if {$folder == {}} {set folder $exmh(folder)}
    if {$id     == {}} {set id     $msg(id)}

    if {$id == {}} {
	Exmh_Status "Select a message to clip first" red
    if ![info exists msg(tearid)] {
	set msg(tearid) 0
    } else {
	incr msg(tearid)
    set self [Widget_Toplevel .tear$msg(tearid) "$folder $id" Clip]

    Widget_Frame $self but Menubar {top fill}
    Widget_AddBut $self.but quit "Dismiss" [list destroy $self]
    Widget_Label $self.but label {left fill} -text $folder/$id
    set t [Widget_Text $self $exwin(mtextLines) -cursor xterm -setgrid true]
    Msg_Setup $t
    if [MsgShowInText $t $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$id] {
        foreach cmd [info commands Hook_MsgClip*] {
            if [catch {$cmd $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$id $t} err] {
                SeditMsg $t "$cmd $err"

proc Msg_FindMatch {L string} {
    global exwin
    return [FindTextMatch $exwin(mtext) $L $string]
proc Msg_BurstDigest {} {
    global msg exmh mhProfile

    if {$msg(id) == {}} {
	Exmh_Status "No message selected to burst" purple
    if {[Ftoc_Changes "Burst Digest"] != 0} {
	# Pending changes and no autoCommit

    Exmh_Status "Bursting message $msg(id) in $exmh(folder)..." blue

    # burst the digest; catch the output
    if [catch { MhExec burst -verbose $msg(id) +$exmh(folder)} out] {
	Exmh_Status "Error bursting digest: $out"
    } else {
	# burst OK, split up the output
	set allids {}
	foreach line [ split $out \n] {
	    #extract the new message number and save in $allids
	    if [regexp {of digest .* becomes message ([0-9]+)} $line match msgid] {
		lappend allids $msgid
	set allids [lsort -increasing -integer $allids]
	# mark new messages as unread
	Exmh_Debug burst created msgs $allids
	if {$allids != {}} {
	    eval { MhExec mark +$exmh(folder) -sequence $mhProfile(unseen-sequence) } $allids
	# rescan to pick them up, make sure Commit is done.
	Exmh_Status "Bursting message $msg(id) in $exmh(folder)...done" blue
	Scan_FolderUpdate $exmh(folder)
	if {$allids != {}} {
	    Msg_Change [lindex $allids 0]
	} else {
proc Msg_Save {} {
    global exmh mhProfile
    set files {}
    Ftoc_Iterate line {
	set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
	lappend files $mhProfile(path)/$exmh(folder)/$msgid

    set name [FSBox "Select file to create/append to:" ]
    if {$name != {}} {
	set exists [file exists $name]
	if [catch {eval {exec cat} $files {>> $name}} err] {
	    Exmh_Status $err error
	} else {
	    set plural [expr {([llength $files] > 1) ? "s" : ""}]
	    if {$exists} {
		Exmh_Status "Message$plural appended to $name"
	    } else {
		Exmh_Status "Message$plural stored in $name"
    } else {
	Exmh_Status "canceled"

proc Msg_Edit {} {
    global exmh msg editor
    if {$msg(path) == ""} {
	Exmh_Status "No current message"
    Exmh_Status "Editing $exmh(folder)/$msg(id)"
    # Hack because exmh-async isn't appropriate in this case.
    if {$editor(sedit!)} {
	set edittype sedit
    } else {
	set edittype prog
    if [regsub {^([ 	]*)exmh-async(.*)$} $editor($edittype) {\2} newprog] {
	set cmd [split [join [string trimright $newprog "& \t"]]]
	Exmh_Status "Starting $cmd ..." warn
	if [catch {eval exec $cmd $msg(path) &} err] {
	    Exmh_Status $err error
    } else {
	EditStart $msg(path) $edittype

proc Msg_UUdecode {} {
    global exmh msg mhProfile
    set name [FSBox "Select file to decode into:" ]
    if {$name != {}} {
	Mime_Uudecode $msg(path) $name
    } else {
	Exmh_Status "uudecode canceled"

proc Msg_MarkUnseen {} {
    global exmh
    Ftoc_Iterate line {
	set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
	Mh_MarkUnseen $exmh(folder) $msgid
    Ftoc_ShowUnseen $exmh(folder)

proc Msg_ReplyHelp {} {
    Help Reply "Defining Reply Buttons and Menu Entries"

proc Msg_PageOrNext {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextPageOrNext $exwin(mtext) implied
proc Msg_PageOrNextCommit {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextPageOrNext $exwin(mtext) no
proc Msg_PageDown {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextPageDown $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_PageUp {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextPageUp $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_LineDown {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextLineDown $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_LineUp {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextLineUp $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_Top {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextTop $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_Bottom {} {
    global exwin
    Widget_TextBottom $exwin(mtext)
proc Msg_CopySelection {} {
    global exwin sedit
    catch {set sedit(killbuf) [$exwin(mtext) get sel.first sel.last]}
proc Msg_Trash { {trashFolder TRASH} } {
    Folder_TargetMove $trashFolder

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