Because I like Quanta Plus for modifying web pages I put up a slackware 12.2 partition. the first time I booted that ;partitino and worked on a web page or two it worked fine. But today after I had made some changes when I tried to save the file, the program froze altogether and I couldn't get any response from the program. Nothing on the program window responded. So I am back to Gvim or perhapsBecause I like Quanta Plus for modifying web pages I put up a slackware 12.2 partition. the first time I booted that ;partitino and worked on a web page or two it worked fine. But today after I had made some changes when I tried to save the file, the program froze altogether and I couldn't get any response from the program. Nothing on the program window responded. So I am back to Gvim or perhaps d -Bluefish. John Culleton, typesetting and indexing book sales Free barcode: _______________________________________________ Quanta mailing list