I am actually using it in Ubuntu 10.04 under Gnome 2.30

Andrew "Ampers" Taylor -  London UK - Journalist & Editor of The Finchley Arrow
Voice: UK 020-8020 3904 - USA 1-202-580 8694 Fax 020-8020 3905 Mobile 0794 162 2401
Websites: www.FinchleyArrow.co.uk, www.ampers.co.uk, ampers.wordpress.com
groups.google.co.uk/group/andrews-humour - "ampers" on Skype  ampers on Picasa
Founder and first editor of The Archer and The Finchley Arrow (London local newspapers)

On 30 May 2010 15:23, Master Exorcist <master@exorcism.org> wrote:
Andrew Ampers Taylor wrote:
Can someone post me a link which will clearly inform me what DTD means? Although I have built my own website at ampers.co.uk and my own wordpress blog, and obviously not a beginner, I am totally clueless about the finer points of web programming and design.

And also, am I being stupid? I cannot see the CSS editor anywhere,
I am anxiously waiting for things like the CSS editor to appear in KDE 4, then I can let go of Windows forever. I believe you have KDE 4, and some essential parts of Quanta do not work except in KDE 3.

 - Rowlnad

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