On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Niko Sams <niko.sams@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 23:33, Michael Friendly <friendly@yorku.ca> wrote:
> I'm just getting started with Quanta and am trying to figure how to
> manage my workflow in uploading recently modified files from my local
> project to those on my remote server.
> In the past, I used rsync in shell scripts to be assured that (a) only
> local files newer than those on the server would be uploaded (b) I could
> exclude certain local files and folders (*~, *.bak, Private/, Test/,
> ...) from the sync/upload process.
> In the Quanta Upload Project Files dialog, I see that once uploaded,
> local files and folders are no longer automatically selected, but I'm
> not clear on whether this is based only on Quanta's record of what I
> uploaded and when, or if it is based on comparing timestamps and
> file contents as rsync does.
it just records what you uploaded.

> e.g., if I have a developer doing some work for me on one branch of the
> project tree, I want to make sure that my upload from Quanta doesn't
> clobber his work.  Similarly, I'm not sure what would happen if I upload
> a modified file with some application other than Quanta.
> I know I can mark selected files as uploaded, but I need to understand
> how Quanta works in the scenario I described.
Quanta uploader can't help you there. If it is possible for you to use rsync
I would stick to rsync.

Personally I use svn (online a workingcopy that you just need to update) and
that's the best option - if it'ts possible to use it.

Distributed version control software like mercurial[1] can work as both source control for development and a deployment mechanism for staging and production.

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