OK, one other thing I've noticed, there's no "summary" attribute field in the main widget for tables.  Can that be added?


On 1/25/06, Kevin Brammer <kevlinux@gmail.com> wrote:
Yep, it was conflicting data from the old stuff.  I had just built KDE 3.5, so I still had 3.4 just in case.  Once I removed all of 3.4 and re-ran ldconfig, everything works as it should.  It also fixed a couple of other issues as well.



On 1/24/06, Jens Herden < jens@kdewebdev.org> wrote:
Hi Kevin,

> I thought I had reported this before, but I'm still seeing the same issue
> with Quanta 3.5.  In list items, Quanta uses "disk" as a type, when the
> recommendation calls for "disc".  HTML Tidy syntax reports this as a
> warning.

I can not confirm this. Here I get disc. Can you make sure that you are not
using old data from your home directory? There could be some in

Of course it is also possible that we did not fix this error correctly. So
please tell me which DTD your document has and what exactly I need to do to
see this.


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