Table of Contents ================= 1 Basics 1.1 What's Google Code-In? 1.2 How does it work? 1.3 Further reading: 2 Tasks 2.1 Guidelines for writing tasks 2.2 Relevant Deadlines 3 Credit 4 Suggestions / Ideas from the IRC meeting of 26th Oct 4.1 Comments on existing Ideas on the community Wiki 4.2 Handling build time (for coding tasks) 4.3 More suggestions on writing tasks in a manner that will help KDE 5 Why mentor? 1 Basics ~~~~~~~~~ 1.1 What's Google Code-In? =========================== + A replacement for GHOP (Google Highly-Open Participation Contest) + A contest for 13 to 18 year-old pre-university students 1.2 How does it work? ====================== + Mentoring orgs provide tasks + Students pick tasks, and solve them + Students need not stick to a single mentoring org throughout the programme 1.3 Further reading: ===================== + Intro: [] + Most details are on the FAQs page: [] + Notes from the mentor summit session: [] 2 Tasks ~~~~~~~~ + Mentoring orgs set the tasks + Mentors are assigned for each task + Unlike GSoC, tasks can include (and should :D) documentation, artwork, bug triaging etc. + New tasks can be added to the pool even during the contest period + Tasks can be queued up in Melange and published later time. + Independent of age, all students have access to all tasks 2.1 Guidelines for writing tasks ================================= + Tasks should be suitable for 13-18yr olds! They will not have the attention span or speed of a frequent contributor. + Tasks should have time limits, and ideally, should not take more than 2 ~ 3 weeks + Tasks should be classified as easy / medium / hard + Tasks should be very specific, rather than open-ended, so that they can be claimed complete + KDE's task collection page is at [] -- these will be moved to Melange when appropriate + Tasks should be marked by area (Code / Documentation / Outreach / etc) + Tasks of a non-coding genre are highly encouraged as well + For coding tasks -- remember to include build time! (Also, make efforts to reduce build time) 2.2 Relevant Deadlines ======================= + Application deadline for orgs (we need to have as many tasks as we can before this) -- 29th October + Contest opens -- 22nd November 3 Credit ~~~~~~~~~ + There are two kinds of credit / prizes -- cash for completion of tasks, and grand prizes for people with maximum number of points + Harder tasks fetch more points than easier tasks, but a task that's completed is a task completed. + Completion of 3 tasks fetches a student $100. They get T-Shirts too. + Students can complete as many tasks as possible during the contest period. + The grand prize winner gets a trip to Mountain View! 4 Suggestions / Ideas from the IRC meeting of 26th Oct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1 Comments on existing Ideas on the community Wiki ===================================================== + Tasks need to be specific -- the end-point / culmination of a task should be well defined + Tasks should be short -- 1 month might be a bit too long 4.2 Handling build time (for coding tasks) =========================================== + Projects come up with very clear instructions on the fastest way to build them + This kind of documentation will also help bugsquad. + Talk to bugsquad and see if they have suggestions / documentation about this already + OpenSuSE factory / Amarok Nightly Builds / Project Neon etc. 4.3 More suggestions on writing tasks in a manner that will help KDE ===================================================================== + Helps to see [] to get ideas of what tasks were like in the first edition + Avoid making all easy tasks available on day 1 -- will give more people a chance to claim easy tasks + However, make a lot of easy tasks available to start with, so that students can gain confidence + Students looking at the org page might not come back to us if all tasks are hard, so not all, but plenty of easy tasks could be made available at start. + Make as many tasks as possible, so that KDE gets a lot of students! + Diverse set of tasks will help KDE attract more students, with diverse interests + Tasks should be independent of one-another -- both code-wise and learning-wise + OTOH, if tasks have continuity, maybe from easy to hard within the same project, the students gets a gradual introduction to the project, knows different aspects, and, hence he will definitely stick; I'm just emphasizing the importance of the tasks themselves + Maybe a good trade-off is to have multiple tasks from the same project, and yet have a lot of diverse tasks. 5 Why mentor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A collection of various opinions: + Can have non-coding tasks, which are not the case in GSoC + Mentoring is required for brief periods of time -- less strain on mentors who are constrained for time + Specific outcomes, and unlike in GSoC, credit is not awarded if task is not complete + Great to get specific things done for your project + Students in this age group are more likely to stick on, because they have more time on their hands, and gain more enjoyment out of doing creative things