Hi. Having some spare time I sat down today and did a first start for a KOffice FAQ. You can find it at: http://htualpha.tu-graz.ac.at/icon-team/koffice-faq.tar.gz I've taken some info from the website, some from Torben's c't-article (and am going to take more from it), some I guessed :) If any of you have got spare time (which I know isn't probable while approaching the stable release), please take a look at it and tell me what's simply wrong, what has to be added, that (and where) my english is bad etc. I will try to extend the FAQ and keep it up to date. Reggie, I did the document with LinuxDoc-SGML as this seemed easiest for me; I hope you don't mind it differing from the previous layout for now. -Jost. -- Jost Schenck jost@schenck.de