Hey Frank

Thanks a lot for stepping up and doing the work for these 2 years. It was inspiring to see how you were always on top of all the bug reports. I really do hope you stick around and continue contributing to KDE.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Frank Reininghaus <frank78ac@googlemail.com> wrote:

being in charge of this core KDE application has been an honor and a
pleasure. Actually, it went a lot better than I had expected in 2012
after I had taken over from Peter: Dolphin has improved in many ways,
and I am very grateful to everyone who helped to make this possible.

I still enjoy working on KDE in general and Dolphin in particular, but
I cannot continue to spend as much time on it as I did on average
during the past two years. Therefore, I have decided to step down.

I have asked Emmanuel if he is willing to take over. He has made many
valuable contributions to the code base, and he is also very active in
discussions with other contributors at Review Board and with users at
bugs.kde.org. Therefore, I am sure that he will be a good maintainer,
and I'm very glad that he accepted.

I am not saying "good bye" though, because I am planning to continue
contributing to KDE in the future.

Best regards,

Vishesh Handa