On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 00:08:57 CEST Albert Astals Cid wrote: > El dilluns, 28 de setembre de 2020, a les 16:07:55 CEST, L. E. Segovia va escriure: > > Hi all, > > > > This message is to announce the first stable release of SeExpr for > > Krita, the fork that we use to provide Disney Animation's SeExpr > > language inside Krita. > > I feel like I've already say this multiple times, but will repeat it. I'm pretty sure you never did, at least neither on this list nor on the kde-i18n list. > If we make a fork, we need to change the name, we can't call something SeExpr when it's not. [we really don't want Disney sueing us, do we?] -- https://www.krita.org