> now. If you have some UI suggestions in mind now, please feel free to send > us a laundry list :). My #1 UI suggestion is *please* make sure that all the "palettes" (as they're called in Photoshop... I'm not talking just about the colors, but all the tools in boxes) have tabs or something else that allows them to be moved around and grouped like in Photoshop. Being able to control your workspace like that is a top priority for me and shame on the Gimp people for overlooking it. Something related is I hope the minimum size for the "palettes" is 1.) small and 2.) the same for each palette. In Gimp, some of the palettes are still too big (like the layers one) at their minimum size, while others are smaller, and if you just want to stack them or like them up nicely and evenly, you can't. - Bart _______________________________________________ Kimageshop mailing list Kimageshop@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop