Hello, On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Torsten Rahn wrote: > No, please DON'T USE ANY of Gimps code -- contact Matthias Elter if > you are not aware of the reasons! I'll trust you :). > Kixel sounds rather strange to me. > kpix might collide with the application-name "pixie" > KDesigner could be misunderstood as a KDE-version of QTDesigner > Kanvas is also out of question for the same reasons we won't use > KPhotoshop or KPhotopaint How about KVision, KFX, KExpression, KColor, KDraw, KSplash, KSpray, KFrame, KPrism, KBrush, etc? KStudio would really work well, since artists often work in studios, but it is too commonly used. Quite frankly, programmers most often are found in cubicles or basements so I never understood why so many development packages have "Studio" in the name :). Sean. -- Digital Spinner, Inc. 802.948.2020 sean@digitalspinner.com _______________________________________________ Kimageshop mailing list Kimageshop@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop