A lot of mistakes in the Krita site gallery, could you fix them? ^^


Cranes - Icono -> Cranes - Namito
Healing Heart - Ico -> Healing Heart - Ico-dY (But I prefer my full name Enrico Guarnieri)
Ink Girl - Ico -> Ink Girl - Ico-dY (But I prefer my full name Enrico Guarnieri)
Butterfly Shot -> Butterfly Shout - Ico-dY (But I prefer my full name Enrico Guarnieri)
Speed Paint - Ramone Miranda -> Speed Paint - Ramón Miranda
The Birth of Nanths - Icono -> The Birth of Nanths - Ramón Miranda
Metamorphisis - Enrico -> Metamorphosis -> Ico-dY (But I prefer my full name Enrico Guarnieri)
Unfinished - Icono -> Unfinished - Yuri Fidelis