2012/6/13 Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com>
2012/6/13 David Revoy <davidrevoy@gmail.com>

Could this feature be remapped to 'Alt' ?
Done -- the change is in master.
@Boud : thanks !
Btw, I will train to find tricks to align a squary texture to a perspective grid.
I trained again, and I had good results. So the feature is good, just involve a bit of user training.

If that can help you, here're my "tricks" to get correct perspective transform:
Transform tool, warp mode, with these exact settings:
-Flexibility: 0,5
-Warp type: Affine
-Density: 2

Then it should do exactly what you want ;.)

Ho actually after re-test , that's not really correct perspective result (the whole shape is correct, but the pattern inside is distorted, not in perspective...
Using Free-transform mode++ meta-key+handles gives proper result.

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