Hello everyone,

I’m a student working on GSOC project kdeconnect right now. I’m not familiar with kde development so I’m coming here to seek for help and advice.

The main idea is to use libimobiledevices and integrate its existent tools into kdeconnect (used for managing iOS devices). This project will please kde & iOS users. I’ll make an exhaustive list of features that I would love to implement later. In fact, these tools already exist and they are well done, but only available in cmd. I would like to integrate them into our workplace and create a friendly UI for users.


Here is the exhaustive list:

1.Use the idevicebackup tool for full and incremental native backups and restoring from them

2.Use idevicesyslog tool to view the syslog in realtime.

3.Use the idevicecrashreport tool to retrieve crash logs from a device.

4. Use the ideviceprovision tool to manage provisioning profiles of a device.

5.Use ideviceinstaller to list, install, uninstall and archive your own apps or to install carrier profiles.

6.Use idevicerestore and libirecovery to update and restore devices.

7.Use sbmanager to arrange icons on the device using drag and drop. iPad support is WIP.

Among these tools, ideviceinstaller, idevicerestore and sbmanager are tools based on libimobildevces. The others are tools along with libimobiledevice.

In order to start implementation, I’ve got several basic questions:

1. Is it acceptable that we use the cmd tools directly?  Or am I obliged to write an installer/ restorer using the apis of lib by myself ?  For I think it might not be worth rewriting an installer/restorer, theses apps do not have dev libs and I wouldn't be able to create a better or lighter for my uses in short time. But for such an application, I haven't got much experience on which would be healthier for an open source project.

2. What is a more properer way to call a cmd tool? I only know that QProcess can run cmd. Is it better to write a bash script to deal with the cmd and its out put or we deal with the output in qt program?

3.Is it better to integrate the panel into the panel of kdeconnect or maybe we create another one? current version of kdeconnect is mainly a tool connect our device with our workplace, cooperate, communicate with each other and control each other .  But this panel would be more likely to be an “iTunes for linux”. For me, maybe it’s better to build it as an independent program.


Besides, for the kdeconnect plugins I'm developping, I would also like to know :

1.How to create/modify/delete alarm,event,calendar, note from korgnizer

2.How to create/modify/delete contacts from kontact


I’m quite new to the dev on kde and it’s my first time working on an open source project with a big community. Any hint or lien of document or library would be greatly helpful.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.