Hi All, Yesterday I needed to upgrade my rh 6.0 from kde 1.1.1pre2 to 1.1.1 final, and I found the Upgrading document which found on kde FTP site... I really think that leaving the work to be done to Redhat is a wrong decision.. Think about this - in a few weeks, there will be the new 1.1.2 version, and now many people are upgrading to Redhat 6.0. If there won't be an RPM ready version of KDE 1.1.2 - people would be angry that the KDE team left them +ACI-in the dark+ACI- and will be encourage to use GNOME, and abandoning completly the Redhat.. Redhat, on the other side, doesn't like to rush.. it will take them few months until someone will do a favour and will compile and issue RPM files (as you may know, Redhat just released the KDE 1.1.1 RPM just last week. How much time has passed since the 1.1.1 has appeared? get my point?) I think that the KDE team SHOULD issue RPM's for Redhat 6.0, and if Redhat will decide to issue them also, well, it will be Redhat fault for confusing the users.. Leaving all the KDE users in the dark until Redhat will do something is not a good idea (IMHO). Thanks Hetz (Heunique) Ben-Hamo Sys. Admin. Intercomp