I saw this article on Linux Today and thought it would be a good chance for some more publicity for KDE. Speaking of which, did anyone ever do anything about the free banners at Linux.com? ------------ Linux KB wants your banners Thanks to joseph cheek for this announcement. The Linux Knowledge Base has a banner shortage, meaning that we have too many page impressions and not enough banners! So for the next few weeks until things pick up we'd like to sponsor a couple of Linux applications or web sites, for free. If you have a Linux or open-source project looking for some publicity, please contact me at joseph@cheek.com and give me the details. Those chosen will need to submit a 468x60 GIF image banner for addition to our banner rotation. This needs to be a professional-quality banner, as this will not only be seen on our Linux KB site, but also on ZDNet's cobranded Linux KB site. http://linuxtoday.com/stories/6254.html -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sean Kendall Schneyer Tel: +46 (0)54 700 20 29 Computer Science Department Fax: +46 (0)54 700 20 60 Karlstad University email: mailto:Sean.Schneyer@kau.se S-651 88 Karlstad Sweden URL: http://www.cs.kau.se/~sean/