Am 03.01.2012, 22:46 Uhr, schrieb David C. Rankin : > Guys, a) we now also allow girls. b) personally i really don't appreciate being called "guy", buddy. > [essentially: "Why does KDE4 start kicker & kdesktop"] > What say the experts on this issue? I don't qualify for "expert" either, but the kicker/kdesktop entries will likely hang around in some xdg autostart path. Check the XDG_DATA_DIRS & XDG_DATA_HOME environment paths and the "autostart" subdirs for resp. files. Then either - get rid of that path in your kde session environment (added it globally to /etc/profile? -> use the starttrinity script or whatever it's called) - get rid of those autostart entries - override them locally (XDG_DATA_HOME) and add stuff like OnlyShowIn=Trinity; or Hidden=true I have NO idea whether trinity cares about the "OnlyShowIn" entry and whether "Trinity" would be the correct value. Be aware that in case "Hidden" is repected or "OnlyShowIn" is and "Trinity" is wrong, it will leave you without a desktop & kicker in such session. Cheers, Thomas PS & FTR: KDE will autostart whatever opts in for autostarting, so this is rather a matter of the trinity project, your local setup or the trinity AUR package (Arch doesn't officially ship trinity) >> Visit to unsubscribe <<