Hi, In the spirit of early participation, I here would like to announce a little project of mine. To not dwell on this for too long; * Read the article http://hci-matters.com/blog/?p=9 (not my work) * Check out the "project"-page; http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KShortcutAssistant * Check out the source, build, and give it a spin * Please tell me what you think. - Even if it sucks, please tell me why. - There's quite some things to do, and I'm not too familiar with all of them. If interested, please dig in! I'm not subscribed to the kde-devel-list, so please answer immediately to me, contact me by XMPP at ulrik.mikaelsson@gmail.com or talk to me on irc, rawler@FreeNode. Regards / Ulrik >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<