koffice/kword CHANGES,1.24,1.25 fc.cc,1.17,1.18 fc.h,1.8,1.9 kword_page.cc,1.17,1.18 kword_page.h,1.11,1.12 Author: reggie CVSROOT: /home/kde Sat Sep 26 18:16:19 MET DST 1998 Update of /home/kde/koffice/kword In directory zeus:/tmp/cvs-serv29962 Modified Files: CHANGES fc.cc fc.h kword_page.cc kword_page.h Log Message: - Fixed some problems with deleting Text (Key_Delete/Key_Backspace) and linebreaking - Improved KFormatContext::makeLineLayout() to make the linebreaking more precise and to make it work correctly with special characters (like pictures)