Good evening, Under KMail, I keep my mail organised with folders and sub- folders. Schematically, and for the ease of explenation of the problem, I had something like : Mail -> Sub A with: Mess-1, Mess-2 -> Sub-B with: Mess-3, Mess-113 -> Sub-C with : Mess-4 -> Sub D with: Mess-87 I'm working like this since a march, and have a few hundreds of messages. Now, this evening I had to read a message wiht pine (I was following some update-recommendations, as 'root', but wanted to check a mail I received as 'user' ... I suppose you get the picture) After re-entering my mail system (connect as user / under kde), my mail was completly messed-up - something like : Mail -> Sub A with: Mess-3, Mess-3, Mess-3, .. repeated eg. 4 time (but with different dates) Mess-2 repeated eg. 5 times Mess-1 repeated eg. 3 times -> Sub-B empty -> Sub-C empty -> Sub D with eg. Mess-117 Mess-87 Note, I can only schematicaly represent the situation. I noticed also - several old-message (I suppose coming from the trash- folder had risen from the death (and multiplied themselves) - No original mail seems to have been lost - On a total of about 150 mails, some 25 mails had been replaced and repeated (3 to 5 times) (Due largely to one sub-subfolder, containing about 120 mails, but which was left untouched for 95%) - When I was under pine (which I SUPPOSE to have created this mess), I just read some messages in 1 subfolder (schematicaly Sub-A - contains 95 % of all my mail). I've done no updates (or, no updates which I am aware of) I'm running kmail under Suse 7.1 (the version that came with the distribution). Note : I hope you understand I didn't realy try or expiriment any further, nor did I try to reproduce the error - It took me quite some time to clean up this whole mess. Furthermore, it was only after some time I realised the different copies of the same message got different timestamps .. meaning : if I deleted the first occurence, the other one changed place to the bottom of the list - so to keep my messages in order, I had to delete always the multiple occurrence bottom-up .. meaning : messages are no longer always sorted in the right logical order (by thead / by date) .. I'm SUPPOSING the little pine-visit is responsible for this, because it is the only thing 'out-of-the-normal' I have done. Kind regards Johan D'Hondt