Hello all,

Here comes our first update to GNOME 3.26, with many bug fixes,
improvements, documentation and translation updates. On top of that,
we added improved, resizable tiling support in this release.

For more information about the major changes in GNOME 3.26, please visit our release notes: https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.26/ and watch our release video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpO4qQWFu8A Packages should shortly arrive in your distribution of choice, and if you want to compile GNOME 3.26.1 by yourself, you can use the jhbuild modulesets available here: https://download.gnome.org/teams/releng/3.26.1/ The lists of updated modules and changes are available here: core - https://download.gnome.org/core/3.26/3.26.1/NEWS apps - https://download.gnome.org/apps/3.26/3.26.1/NEWS The source packages are available here: core - https://download.gnome.org/core/3.26/3.26.1/sources/ apps - https://download.gnome.org/apps/3.26/3.26.1/sources/
Thank you all for using and contributing to GNOME. Looking forward to
seeing some of you at the 10th GNOME.Asia Summit in Chongqing, China.
