--0016e6d77e5e84d3c20477fa7d73 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 So trying to use NX rootless results in Compiz graying out windows by default as compiz believes them to be unresponsive. So far the very few complaints I've seen were met with 'just disable the feature'. Well, I did a little digging and have a workaround patch to nxagent to avoid the condition occurring. Technically speaking, though the most annoying manifestation of the limitation, it can manifest under the likes of metacity or any window manager that checks responsiveness of a window after the 'close' button is pressed. The problem is that when an application advertises _NET_WM_PING and a remote window manager actually tries to use the feature, it won't work. The proper fix is probably harder than I know how to do (have X events directed to root window in rootless nxagent be sent to any attached root windows instead of dropping it regardless of connected remote systems). However, the path I took was simply to have rootless NX mask the _NET_WM_PING property. This way, the responsiveness check will never be attempted. It will prevent Compiz and friends from ever detecting a hung window, but in this case that is preferable to *always* thinking the windows are hung. I have attached the patch. I know it is to nx core, but I was unsure of how to submit patches to them, so I'm posting it here in case someone like me needs it or someone knows how to call this to the attention of Nomachine. On a related note, I would look into why remote NX sessions can't get into my notification area/aka tray, but I may be distracted, so if anyone knows how that works and what aspects of NX inhibit that, would love to hear. --0016e6d77e5e84d3c20477fa7d73 Content-Type: text/x-diff; charset=US-ASCII; name="nxagent-ping.patch" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nxagent-ping.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_g1tzxm4m0 LS0tIC4vcHJvZ3JhbXMvWHNlcnZlci9ody9ueGFnZW50L1Jvb3RsZXNzLmMub3JpZwkyMDA5LTEx LTA5IDEwOjIwOjU3LjAyMjQ2ODcwMCAtMDUwMAorKysgLi9wcm9ncmFtcy9Yc2VydmVyL2h3L254 YWdlbnQvUm9vdGxlc3MuYwkyMDA5LTExLTA5IDEwOjI0OjAxLjAxNDkwNzYwMSAtMDUwMApAQCAt NjMzLDcgKzYzMywxMyBAQAogCiAgICAgZm9yIChpID0gMDsgaSA8IG5Vbml0czsgaSsrKQogICAg IHsKLSAgICAgICBhdG9tc1tpXSA9IG54YWdlbnRMb2NhbFRvUmVtb3RlQXRvbShpbnB1dFtpXSk7 CisgICAgICAgaWYgKHN0cmNtcCgiX05FVF9XTV9QSU5HIixOYW1lRm9yQXRvbShpbnB1dFtpXSkp ID09IDApIHsKKyAgICAgICAgIGF0b21zW2ldID0gTm9uZTsgLyogbnhhZ2VudCByb290bGVzcyBj b3JydXB0cyBmdW5jdGlvbiBvZiBfTkVUX1dNX1BJTkcKKwkgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBw cm90b2NvbC4gIE1hc2sgdGhlIGZlYXR1cmUgdG8gcHJldmVudCBsb2NhbCAKKwkJCSAgICAgd2lu ZG93IG1hbmFnZXIgbWlzYmVoYXZpb3IgKi8KKyAgICAgICB9IGVsc2UgeworCSBhdG9tc1tpXSA9 IG54YWdlbnRMb2NhbFRvUmVtb3RlQXRvbShpbnB1dFtpXSk7CisgICAgICAgfQogCiAgICAgICAg aWYgKGF0b21zW2ldID09IE5vbmUpCiAgICAgICAgewo= --0016e6d77e5e84d3c20477fa7d73 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline ________________________________________________________________ Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX problem? Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ: http://openfacts2.berlios.de/wikien/index.php/BerliosProject:FreeNX_-_FAQ Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base: http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ ________________________________________________________________ FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx ________________________________________________________________ --0016e6d77e5e84d3c20477fa7d73--