Hi all, Our company recently launched kind of an iTunes type thing that works with Linux, Windows and Mac called Mindawn (www.mindawn.com) currently the selection is fairly small but we've just inked a deal that will put over 300,000 songs in there over the next few months. Anyway, we've had lots of requests for FC3 support and being able to easily Mindawn and it's companion ripper MARS. We're going to open source both apps, but Mindawn has a module that handles the demo song download/playback that we have to keep closed. I'm wondering if anyone is willing to sign an NDA to make packages that could be bundled with FC3. You can check the FAQs on the Mindawn site to find out more about it and the service. Please email me at "shawn at thekompany dot com" if you are interested. Thanks very much. Regards, Shawn Gordon President theKompany.com www.thekompany.com www.mindawn.com 949-713-3276 -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list