
Calligra is a free, integrated office suite, designed and developed by members of the KDE community. It offers a comprehensive set of applications which satisfies the office, graphics and management needs.


"Calligra has a small number of developers. We rely on the best toolkit we can get to develop such an ambitious project. This is why we build on Qt."
Boudewijn Rempt, Krita developer

Calligra and Qt

Calligra developers had opportunity to completely redesign the user interface and underlying infrastructure, thereby making a highly innovative office suite.

Qt has enabled Calligra to run on all major platforms, including Linux (both KDE and Gnome), Windows and Mac OS X, Maemo, MeeGo, Android, Sailfish OS.

By using Qt's Scribe Classes, the Calligra developers were able to build a mature text renderer which is used consistently throughout the whole suite and adds complete text-editing functionality to every application, including those graphic-oriented.

Calligra makes broad use of side dockers to take advantage of the popular wide-screen form factor of current desktops.

Additional Resources

Calligra web site with blogs

Calligra Screenshots

Click to enlarge.

Krita Calligra on Android Calligra Words Calligra Stage Calligra Sheets Calligra Flow Kexi Calligra Plan

Video by David Revoy - YouTube License

Video by David Revoy