
no crash on exit for me with latest master. I'll try to figure this out with Heiko on IRC.

Is anyone else here getting this crash?


On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Heiko Becker <heirecka@exherbo.org> wrote:

On 02/24/18 23:58, Stefano Pettini wrote:
> it looks like there's a general agreement on releasing 2.9 from master,
> Myriam is also fine with the plan. I said in the past I wanted to do it
> but I have no experience and time so if Heiko can do it then I would
> prefer this solution.

I created a tarball with https://phabricator.kde.org/D10923 (make
Qt4Webkit optional) and https://phabricator.kde.org/D10924 (temp.
disable Goolgle and Discogs cover search) included:


I almost didn't notice that it crashes on shutdown with a "double free
or corruption" (because I don't have a kdelibs4 drkonqi anymore). Can
somebody reproduce this? Anybody willing to volunteer and fix it?

Also, sysadmins currently imposed a dependency/release freeze [1], so we
need to wait a bit anyway.

> About KF5 and master, what's the plan? Merging the two, cherrypicking
> patches since the fork or just abandoning master? I would not favor the
> last solution as time was spent by many, including me, for useful fixes
> and I would like to make sure that these are not lost (same reason why I
> proposed to release 2.9).

I already merged some stuff from master into kf5, but the two branches
diverged quite a bit and I discussed with Mark on #amarok.dev to
cherry-pick in the future.


[1] https://marc.info/?l=kde-core-devel&m=151998691026704&w=2