Further testing has revealed more specific stuff, and that what I reported previously was not quite right: each instance of kio_http that is started by Konqueror seems to need 'initializing' with SSLv2 - that is, if I select only SSLv2, visit an SSL site that accepts SSLv2 connections, then select only SSLv3, and Konqui reuses this 'initialized' instance of kio_http, then the SSLv3 connection works correctly. If Konqui instantiates a new kio_http that has not been 'initialized' with SSLv2, then any attempt to make an SSLv3 or TLS connection fails, kio_http dies. It appears that this happens after the certificate exchange, because the server's certificate appears in 'Peer SSL certificates' in kcmcrypto after kio_http has died. I was wondering if this was something timing-related, perhaps a pointer doesn't get initialized in time due to a race condition, a race which gets masked by a faster processor, as I am using what is a very slow machine these days (PII-233), and other users of the same Debian packages don't seem to be able to reproduce the problem, but at a guess are using faster machines. However, I'm no C++ guru, so this is just a wild guess. -- marm