> Tried tree view sample http://www.mattkruse.com/scripts/tree/testdrive/tree/navigate.html for my > web development. Worked fine with NS4.75/IE - but not with Konqueror. > Checked JS code. Found that using same name in dot notation and varible > like the following snippet cause Konqueror to abort JS program. That problem seems to be solved. At least I got the right output when trying e.g. var db = new Array(); var total = 0; function dbAdd(mother,display,URL,indent,top,newitem) { db[total] = new Object; db[total].mother = mother db[total].display = display db[total].URL = URL db[total].indent = indent db[total].top = top db[total].newitem = newitem total++ } dbAdd("mymother"); debug(db[0].mother); --> mymother The reason why the menus don't work must be somewhere else. Harri.