Package: konqueror Version: unknown (using KDE 2.1.2 ) Severity: normal Installed from: Debian Package 4:2.1.2-3 (testing/unstable) Compiler: gcc version 2.95.4 20010522 (Debian prerelease) OS: Linux 2.4.4 i686 OS/Compiler notes: I hope I got it right, I couldn't cut'n'paste it since the konqueror didn't allow me to after the Crashandler window appeared. I have Java (from IBM with SUN's JSSE) and Javascript enabled. I use junkbuster as a proxy, but it didn't do any obvious changes to the page. I hope someone sees the same problem then I did, I'd feel stupid if this was something that only happens here;-) Regards, Tobias (Submitted via (Called from KBugReport dialog)