Package: kwrite Version: 2.0 Severity: normal Installed from: Mandrake Note, if this message is wrapped the way the web form wrapped it, it could be messed up even more. Instead of trying to describe the problem, here is the text. Paste into kwrite and play around. Additional instructions: The first messed up line is $" = '
' comment that out, and it is better. But down lower, you can see that it stil does not hightly correctly after the end of the "HERE" document (at END_OF_FORM) You can see that it does not start highlight correctly until sub send_confirmation_email. This fragment should show the problem. If it does not, let me know, and I can send the entire file. Thanks, here's the fragment. sub print_signup_form { #We want to print out the reasons we are reprinting the form... if($reprint_reasons[0]) { #$" = '
'; print 'The following problems were found with your application:
',"\n"; print "@reprint_reasons\n"; print '

', "\n"; } print <
*User Name:
Desired user name. For student accounts, the URL for
your web page will be
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Reenter Password:
*E-Mail Address:
*Aurora ID:
Your user id on Aurora
Items with * are required.
All fields except for e-mail address and password must use only alphanumeric characters.
END_OF_FORM } sub print_confirmation { print <
We will be sending a confirmation e-mail to $email_address to confirm your e-mail address. Please follow the instructions contained in that e-mail.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail the webmaster.

You may return to the Student Information Center home page or follow any of the links at left. END_OF_STUFF } sub send_confirmation_email { my $name = "$fname $lname"; my @message = ( "Welcome to the ASUAF Student Web Server and Student Information Cerver.\n". "Your user name is: $login\nYour password is: $pass1\nYour verification key: $key \n", "Please keep this information in a safe place.", "Thank you for signing up for an account. To verify your e-mail address,", "please click on the link below.\n", "$login&key=$key\n", "If that does not work, go to and enter", "your login name and verification key in the form provided.\n", "Thank you! We hope you enjoy the Student Information Center.\n", "If you did not sign up for an account, you may ignore this message.\n", "Sincerely,\n\nThe Management"); quick_email($name, $email_address, 'Registration Confirmation', '', 'Important! Confirm your registration!', @message); } (submitted via