-- Kicker : Clock - both koolclock and the regular one can't be resized. I get to see only half the display, so only the first 2 digital letters apeear. How can the fonts be changed? I'm using a 1024x768 display setting. Changing the panel size (tiny/normal/large) doesn't help much. Taskbar - What happenes when alot of apps are started and there's no room to display them all? It neither grows nor does it has up and down scroll buttons. I've also tried the vertical taskbar, but there's no option to remove it. I had to edit kickerrc. Windowlist applet takes the last program-switched-to icon, and displays it for all. This also happenes sometimes at the taskbar. Preferences for applets (url buttons) cannot be seen using the right mouse button. I've used KDE Snapshot Binaries of 20000708, using the RPM packages, installed to /opt/kde2. Using RH6.0, glibc 2.1. Kernel 2.2.15. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com