Package: konqueror Version: 17.02.2000 1) if I want to stretch icon directory view it doesn't do. Just shrink to one row/column of icon height/width. On other views (text, image) it allow me to make 0 width/height, so bug nr.2 .... 2) When one subview (text or image) is shrinked to the minimum (0 I mean) scrollbar is "murdered" piece by piece :) Check this, is funny to view how triangles become small and smaller. This behavior is ugly. My idea is to hide scrollbar when is evident it can be stretched. My system: Cyrix/266, 64M, 4.3GB, VGA Matrox Mystique Linux kernel 2.2.10. I'm using Red Hat 6.0, kde 2.0 alpha (17.02.2000) Qt 2.1.0 (25.01.2000)