Package: kdevelop Version: 1.0beta4.1 Severity: normal Bugreport ID : 21:18,31.01.00 Originator : Steve Waterworth E-Mail : Subject : BUG Report Error Class : software bug Error Location : I donīt know Priority : low Bug Description --------------------------- Create new project. Go through all options. Don't select documentation generation as I don't have sgml2html stuff. After create button the make fails. The default template tar.gz file is not unpacked and untared. So that's why the make fails. Do this bit by hand and its still all screwed up. The make still fails and the project opens blank. No classes no nothing! How to repeat the error ------------------- As above Bugfix or Workaround ---------------------- Pass System Information ------------------------ KDevelop version : 1.0beta4.1 KDE version : 1.1.2 QT version : 1.44 OS/Distribution : Linux Compiler : Didn't get that far misc :