Package: kdemultimedia Version: 1.2.2 Most CD Players will start the current track over when the "previous" button on the console is pressed during the song. If the button is pressed in the first few seconds of the song, then the track is decremented. KSCD, however will *always* go the previous track. This makes trying to repeat the current song more difficult that it has to be. You have to press the previous button and then the next button or select the track again from the drop down box. I finally got annoyed enough tonight to fix this. The fix is in kscd.cpp in the prevClicked() function The old code is as follows: void KSCD::prevClicked(){ setLEDs("00:00"); qApp->processEvents(); qApp->flushX(); if(playlist.count()>0){ playlistpointer--; if(playlistpointer < 0 ) playlistpointer = playlist.count() -1; cur_track = atoi(; } else{ cur_track--; if (cur_track < 1) cur_track = cur_ntracks; } if(randomplay){ play_cd (cur_track, 0, cur_track + 1); } else{ play_cd (cur_track, 0, cur_ntracks + 1); } } I propose that in the future the code read like this: void KSCD::prevClicked(){ setLEDs("00:00"); qApp->processEvents(); qApp->flushX(); if(playlist.count()>0){ playlistpointer--; if(playlistpointer < 0 ) playlistpointer = playlist.count() -1; cur_track = atoi(; } else{ // 30 Jan 2000 changed by // Repeat the current track unless we've // played less then two seconds of it // In that case, move the previous track if (cur_pos_rel > 2){ cur_track = cur_track; } else{ cur_track--; } if (cur_track < 1) cur_track = cur_ntracks; } if(randomplay){ play_cd (cur_track, 0, cur_track + 1); } else{ play_cd (cur_track, 0, cur_ntracks + 1); } } Best regards, David Joham ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at