Package: kdevelop Version: 1.0beta4.1 Severity: normal Bugreport ID : 18:29,31.10.99 Originator : Henric Carlsson E-Mail : Subject : Editable textfields in app-wizard Error Class : software bug Error Location : app-wizard Priority : low Bug Description --------------------------- The two textfields in the last step of the app-wizard is _not_ read-only. They should be IMHO. (While this is not fatal, it looks unpolished.) How to repeat the error ------------------- Bring up the app-wizard (create a new project). Click away to the last step and EDIT! Bugfix or Workaround ---------------------- Change the two appropriate lines in the file kdevelop/ckappwizard.cpp System Information ------------------------ KDevelop version : 1.0beta4.1 KDE version : 1.1.2 QT version : 1.44 OS/Distribution : Linux 2.2.13, i386, SuSE 6.2 Compiler : gcc/egcs 2.91.66 misc :