Package: kdevelop Version: 1.0beta4 Severity: normal Bugreport ID : 14:35,29.10.99 Originator : Mark Stoutjesdijk E-Mail : Subject : KDoc support Error Class : software bug Error Location : documentation tree Priority : low Bug Description --------------------------- KDoc cannot generate documentation because it cannot find files I added to my project. Project root directory: /home/marks/qipa Newly made includes directory: /home/marks/qipa/dcmtk/include When I run kdoc manually, I can generate documentation. But from within Kdevelop beta4, I get a message that it couldn't find the include files. How to repeat the error ------------------- Bugfix or Workaround ---------------------- Use KDoc manually, but it won't get integrated into kdevelop that way..... System Information ------------------------ KDevelop version : 1.0beta4 KDE version : 1.1.1 QT version : 1.44 OS/Distribution : linux 2.2.5 Compiler : misc :