KFM core dumps when browsing www.quicken.com. Go to that URL and click on the "Where's My Portfolio" link. The browser goes away as well as all the desktop icons. There's a core file left in my homedir. This is for the KDE release 1.1.1 for linux redhat 5.2 {mykes@A2-93:67}uname -a Linux A2-93.Kihei.Maui.Net 2.2.9 #8 Sun May 16 13:51:52 HST 1999 i586 unknown lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Apr 20 01:42 /lib/libc.so.6 -> libc-2.0.7.so* I'm using the RPMs for the qt and qt-devel from the kde.org ftp site (redhat 5.2/1.1.1) Another bug is with the html widget itself. It clearly doesn't handle tables properly. http://home.webmaster.com Use netscape and internet explorer. Then view the same page with KFM. Great software, tho!