Version: kdenetwork-1.1pre2 Description: If the Location path in the KFM window contains a dot such as "file:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/sulinet/./" which is virtually the same as "file:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/sulinet/" then the contents of the window does not automatically refresh, i.e. if I remove a file, the icon does not disappear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sebestyén Zoltán I can't choose what I can't believe That the way of life is to live and grieve MAKE INSTALL NOT WAR 'cause I see living as a place in the sun and the world as a place for a kingdom to come I use UNIX because reboots are for hardware upgrades. -- Waiting for FreeBSD 3.1, not Godot -- Kick me! Whip me!! Make me develop on AIX!!!