I'm using xdvi to view dvi files and it does not work properly under KDE-1.1: - it does not update its view contents when the dvifile is updated. - when viewing more pages, the information outside the viewing area is lost. Scrolling the page only shows an empty area. Only after typing R (rereading the dvifile) it shows the correct information. The problem is definitely related to KDE-1.1 after starting kwm. The problem does not appear when - starting a failsafe session - using fvwm2 - using KDE-1.0 (if I remember it correctly) Somehow it has to be related to the Xprotocol: It doesn't matter where I run xdvi. Both running it locally on Linux or remotely on a HPUX workstation and viewing locally shows the same problem. regards, Martien Hulsen m.a.hulsen@wbmt.tudelft.nl