When you type the wrong login password, kdm doesn't accept the first you give after typing your login again. For example, when I type the login with the wrong password: Login: mike Password: mymotherr kdm outputs: Login failed! And returns to Login prompt, but when I type my Login ID and try to type in my correct password, kdm doesn't accept my key, and the output is: Login: mikemymother Serious problem when someone is watching you !! Bye, -- Artur B. Adib / ICQ UIN: 4873469 mailto:adib@fisica.ufc.br / http://members.xoom.com/arturadib/ Fortaleza-CE-Brazil - Universidade Federal do Ceara / University of Ceara Departamento de Fisica / Physics Department Visite-nos / Visit us: http://www.fisica.ufc.br/