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Viewing messages in thread 'Clarification in a string of amarok.po'
Viewing messages in list kde-i18n-doc
- 2024-05-01 - 2024-06-01 (14 messages)
  1. 2011-02-07 Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                kde-i18n-doc Dimitrios Glentadakis 
  2. 2011-02-07 Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                kde-i18n-doc Yuri Chornoivan 
  3. 2011-02-07 Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                kde-i18n-doc Martin Schlander 
  4. 2011-02-07 Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                kde-i18n-doc Marek Laane 
  5. 2011-02-07 Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                kde-i18n-doc Yuri Chornoivan 
  6. 2011-02-07 Clarification in a string of amarok.po                                    kde-i18n-doc Dimitrios Glentadakis 

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