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Viewing messages in thread 'SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work as expected'
Viewing messages in list freedesktop-xdg
  1. 2006-07-14 Re: SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work a  freedeskt Marcus Camen 
  2. 2006-07-14 Re: SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work a  freedeskt James Richard Tyre
  3. 2006-07-13 Re: SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work a  freedeskt Will Stephenson 
  4. 2006-07-13 RE: SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work a  freedeskt Bastian, Waldo 
  5. 2006-07-13 SLES10RC3 and Icon-lookup with KDE doesn't work as ex  freedeskt Marcus Grassinger 

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