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Viewing messages in thread 'when a script is not a script according to krun...'
Viewing messages in list kde-core-devel
- 2024-05-01 - 2024-06-01 (5 messages)
  1. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- ian reinhart geise
  2. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- Waldo Bastian 
  3. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- David Faure 
  4. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- ian reinhart geise
  5. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- David Faure 
  6. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- ian reinhart geise
  7. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- David Faure 
  8. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- ian reinhart geise
  9. 2004-03-30 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- David Faure 
 10. 2004-03-23 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- Dominique Devriese
 11. 2004-03-23 Re: when a script is not a script according to krun..  kde-core- Harri Porten 
 12. 2004-03-23 when a script is not a script according to krun...     kde-core- ian reinhart geise

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