SOPA Blackout

MARC participated in SOPA Blackout Day. and were dark from midnight US/Eastern January 18th, 2012, until midnight US/Pacific the following day.

The Stop Online Privacy Act (H.R. 3261, SOPA) and its companion bill, Protect IP Act (S. 968, PIPA) are proposed laws being considered by the United States Congress.

If they (or something like them) were to become law in the U.S., mailing list archive sites based there, like MARC, would almost certainly need to shut down or move out of the country. SOPA and PIPA promise to punish websites that publish content generated by third parties, without due process (i.e. sites and their administrators are guilty until proven innocent). It would make us liable for any content posted to any mailing list, that anyone may claim to be copyrighted material (they do not have to prove their claim; they do not have to be right).

In protest, many sites on the Internet are blacking out on January 18th. Here are a number of links with more information about SOPA, and how (if you are a U.S. voter) to contact your senators and representative: blackout blackout
The Mail Archive blackout
The people who brought you the Internet
craigslist's SOPA/PIPA page
A nice SOPA infographic
(Some of the above links may not work during the blackout.)

Our apologies to MARC's non-U.S. users, who will be hurt by this, but can't do anything to stop SOPA/PIPA. If SOPA does become law in the United States, you can help: we would need volunteers to move MARC out of the United States, as we could no longer safely run it.