Hi Jamie, We are moving our users off Cyrus IMAP so I want to start creating new LDAP user accounts without IMAP. When I try and create a user with "IMAP Server Login" set to No I get the error below: Failed to save user : Missing or invalid IMAP quota Regards Murray ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. Use priority code J8TL2D2. http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;198757673;13503038;p?http://java.sun.com/javaone - Forwarded by the Webmin mailing list at webadmin-list@lists.sourceforge.net To remove yourself from this list, go to http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/webadmin-list