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List:       web4lib
Subject:    Re: [WEB4LIB] For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the a
From:       Roy Tennant <roytennant () GMAIL ! COM>
Date:       2017-03-07 20:05:25
Message-ID: CAMhEc9fgH4cMSAoHsG_iVSCUMSq6qJFz62=A5GRupRj_zrrNGQ () mail ! gmail ! com
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Yes. My personal email works as well (this one).

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Tom Keays <tomkeays@gmail.com> wrote:

> My spam filter is doing a great job of slam-dunking these so, unless
> someone comments back to the list, I am blissfully unaware.
> So, a favor to ask. If you absolutely feel you must comment, can I request
> you send it to web4lib-request@listserv.uc.edu so the moderator of the
> listserv (Roy) can work his wonders?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> "It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the
> great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being
> fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally
> people."
> ~ Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens.
> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Roy Tennant <roytennant@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Blocked and not notified, FWIW.
>> Roy
>> > On Mar 6, 2017, at 4:59 PM, Carlos Lopez <carlos@DML.VIC.EDU.AU> wrote:
>> >
>> > <sigh />
>> >
>> > c.
>> >
>> > On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 19:04:54 -0500
>> > The Second Coming <yitshack@UNDUECOERCION.COM> wrote:
>> >
>> >> President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of
>> >> the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil
>> >> monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as
>> >> SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a
>> >> powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the
>> >> foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized
>> >> as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the
>> >> enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and
>> >> time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking
>> >> about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration
>> >> and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized
>> >> espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we
>> >> believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years
>> >> ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named
>> >> them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless"
>> >> conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I
>> >> named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.
>> >>
>> >> Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting
>> >> against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more
>> >> powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the
>> >> realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of
>> >> these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A
>> >> Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and
>> >> these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of
>> >> showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is
>> >> telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in
>> >> the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous
>> >> (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and
>> >> the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his
>> >> schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a
>> >> weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of
>> >> humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible
>> >> testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ...
>> >> physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly
>> >> modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are
>> >> and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the
>> >> difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over,
>> >> and over again.
>> >>
>> >> This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to
>> >> collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves
>> >> or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to
>> >> control; only they also have no way to know that because in this
>> >> particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to
>> >> hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my
>> >> favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in
>> >> the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time
>> >> years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of
>> >> the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from
>> >> Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and
>> >> "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the
>> >> manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people
>> >> who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting
>> >> was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the
>> >> KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own
>> >> interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and
>> >> Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun
>> >> disk surrounding our minds.
>> >>
>> >> These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have
>> >> written are still available for you to see and read today; including
>> >> the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people
>> >> acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between
>> >> life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of
>> >> that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then
>> >> there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into
>> >> darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you
>> >> to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world
>> >> and barely anyone would ever notice.
>> >>
>> >> There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.
>> >> That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are
>> >> and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that
>> >> were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged
>> >> now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in
>> >> simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered...
>> >> we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are
>> >> multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly
>> >> identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must
>> >> have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of
>> >> biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as
>> >> this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be
>> >> reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic
>> >> could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude
>> >> that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in
>> >> order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization."
>> >>
>> >> Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a
>> >> battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more
>> >> civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this
>> >> technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.
>> >> Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything,
>> >> the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily
>> >> give us too much of what has given us the great society we have...
>> >> what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because
>> >> we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come
>> >> from changing ourselves freely.
>> >>
>> >> Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black
>> >> market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful,
>> >> because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it...
>> >> and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on
>> >> telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is
>> >> ending world hunger... you just have to put it on TV.
>> >>
>> >> I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated
>> >> reality. I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only
>> >> effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me
>> >> that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the
>> >> existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell
>> >> you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in
>> >> general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic
>> >> possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying
>> >> thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the
>> >> book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.
>> >> Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just
>> >> in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone
>> >> tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our
>> >> Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro
>> >> Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that
>> >> we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue
>> >> to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through
>> >> me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this
>> >> very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the
>> >> abyss--and you stand motionless.
>> >>
>> >> I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key
>> >> point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the
>> >> smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that
>> >> show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real
>> >> manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's
>> >> absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of
>> >> matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living
>> >> observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for
>> >> life to come out of this place while we do not understand the
>> >> importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to
>> >> civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire
>> >> civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the
>> >> universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way
>> >> because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one"
>> >> that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and
>> >> electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we
>> >> will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth.
>> >>
>> >> I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the
>> >> difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from
>> >> the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story
>> >> based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact
>> >> living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that
>> >> it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth
>> >> that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the
>> >> knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the
>> >> natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that
>> >> ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or
>> >> choices we might make were this information proven... they are
>> >> mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this
>> >> Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles
>> >> that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell.
>> >>
>> >> He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in
>> >> ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies
>> >> today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also
>> >> the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand;
>> >> things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if
>> >> we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see
>> >> that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is
>> >> an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times,
>> >> at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of
>> >> Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over
>> >> again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a
>> >> hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it
>> >> screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean,
>> >> and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand
>> >> and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and
>> >> mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it.
>> >>
>> >> I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being
>> >> somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year
>> >> ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in
>> >> addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like
>> >> GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some
>> >> drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told
>> >> a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (*Spin Doctors*)
>> >> or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many
>> >> others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of
>> >> Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down
>> >> asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years
>> >> earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was
>> >> adjourned" and "no verdict returned."
>> >>
>> >> Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher
>> >> I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly
>> >> decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be
>> >> verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit
>> >> to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more
>> >> than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this
>> >> violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a
>> >> court--following all the regulations designed by our broken
>> >> legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial,
>> >> refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite
>> >> period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing
>> >> from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my
>> >> trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people.
>> >>
>> >> I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this
>> >> information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.
>> >> Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the
>> >> impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and
>> >> it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day
>> >> I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength
>> >> television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.
>> >> They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health
>> >> court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my
>> >> speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on
>> >> camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with
>> >> her camera and a big microphone that day.
>> >>
>> >> I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed
>> >> help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly
>> >> boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of
>> >> operation while they were in Broward.
>> >>
>> >> We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless
>> >> conspiracy. It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need
>> >> you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I
>> >> need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to
>> >> write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every
>> >> language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that
>> >> you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the
>> >> thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on
>> >> a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims
>> >> of this technology.
>> >>
>> >> I need you to try now.
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:26 AM, Adam M. Dobrin
>> >> <adam@fromthemachine.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.
>> >>> And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to
>> >>> secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We
>> >>> decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted
>> >>> concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are
>> >>> cited to justify it.
>> >>>
>> >>> Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed
>> >>> society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there
>> >>> is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our
>> >>> traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger
>> >>> that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon
>> >>> by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of
>> >>> official censorship and concealment.
>> >>>
>> >>> That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my
>> >>> control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is
>> >>> high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here
>> >>> tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to
>> >>> cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public
>> >>> the facts they deserve to know.
>> >>>
>> >>> For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless
>> >>> conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its
>> >>> sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on
>> >>> subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free
>> >>> choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
>> >>>
>> >>> It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material
>> >>> resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient
>> >>> machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,
>> >>> scientific and political operations. Its preparations are
>> >>> concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined.
>> >>> Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is
>> >>> questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
>> >>>
>> >>> No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from
>> >>> that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding
>> >>> comes support or opposition, and both are necessary.
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I
>> >>> am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and
>> >>> alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the
>> >>> response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully
>> >>> informed.
>> >>>
>> >>> I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I
>> >>> welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its
>> >>> errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn't become a
>> >>> mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full
>> >>> responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out
>> >>> when we miss them.
>> >>>
>> >>> Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country
>> >>> can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian
>> >>> lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from
>> >>> controversy.
>> >>>
>> >>> That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only
>> >>> business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not
>> >>> primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial
>> >>> and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants,
>> >>> but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our
>> >>> opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead,
>> >>> mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.
>> >>>
>> >>> This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for
>> >>> it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local.
>> >>> It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news
>> >>> as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that
>> >>> government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you
>> >>> with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits
>> >>> of national security.
>> >>>
>> >>> And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man's deeds,
>> >>> the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look
>> >>> for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man
>> >>> will be what he was born to be, free and independent.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>> *John F. Kennedy's address before the American Newspaper Publishers
>> >>> Association on April 27, 1961*
>> >>> ᐧ
>> >>>
>> >>> ᐧ
>> >>
>> >> Welcome to the base of the Tower of Babel.  In the clearing beyond
>> >> you can glimpse the falling censor wall of Jericho... and in the
>> >> pictures and prose below, the fertile plains of the Promised Land.
>> >> If you were planning CNN tonight,  try reading ... and
>> >> *understanding ...* this instead; it's infinitely more enlightening.
>> >>
>> >> * Cards on the table... <http://bit.ly/2lBNntU>*
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2ha4H70>
>> >> morning has broken... like the first morning <http://bit.ly/2h1wFSg>
>> >>
>> >> * We're all showing Hearts. <http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n>*
>> >>
>> >> <http://goog_1254116430/?163BB63A1BDF9C56>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> *WE THE PEOPLE... <http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF>*
>> >>
>> >> ` <http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF>
>> >> ​​
>> >>
>> >> An Exodus from Darkness. <http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD>
>> >>
>> >> Can you Si in the dark? <http://bit.ly/2lBNntU>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2lBNntU>
>> >>
>> >> Make Atlantis Rise. <http://bit.ly/2l12JfL>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2l12JfL>
>> >> ​
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2ie8Gl4>
>> >> *is that a sht eating grin or what?*​
>> >>
>> >> *Get ready... for the Main Event <http://bit.ly/2ia00iu>*
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2ia00iu>
>> >> O  N  E
>> >> 🌍😇🌫
>> >>
>> >> ​
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2lBNxBw>
>> >>
>> >> it's uh,* time to begin <http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu>...*
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> * <http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu>*
>> >> *really* soon... like, today... even
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2h2EM1a>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2lBNANI>
>> >>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2gZkgyq>
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2lBNANI>
>> >> ​ᐧ
>> >> *At the heart of the word charity, a clue about information
>> >> technology, and the message that pervades our world... we are just
>> >> about to build Heaven, can you see the light?*
>> >>
>> >> *There's a little bit of NASDAQ in Tzedaqah, and just a tiny bit of
>> >> IT in Charity. It is why, though...  the New American Standard for
>> >> "no man to become an island" holds Esau's heart dear, with the Temple
>> >> Atlantis built by Solomon (did you know, on Paradise Island?)
>> >> coming ... this year.  A carpenter or a computer programmer,
>> >> Yes-who-ah, I mean Yeshua... is here. You might call me a Yahoo, but
>> >> that's just because you don't know <http://bit.ly/2mqAxTe> yet.
>> >> Found squarely between Dr. Who's "Silence" and Taylor's "the the" to
>> >> help everyone <http://bit.ly/2dfH50k>, the Grinch is here.*
>> >>
>> >> *I mean Thor... er, know me as Adam <http://bit.ly/2m8V2lp>?  See the
>> >> Light of Angels building Heaven... writ on the skies
>> >> <http://bit.ly/2mIJf0c> all around.*
>> >>
>> >> *If you want to break the good news, call me, and I'll help explain
>> >> how J-North ties to Yeast and Easter... it means "from the future," I
>> >> think I need a tutor? 954-667-8083 <(954)%20667-8083>.  Seriously,
>> >> texting me is returning Noah's bird, and the truth is Pauly Shore...
>> >> on the road to Adam-tell-us, Nostradamus says we're not art, hah.  *
>> >>
>> >> *I am the first and the Last,and I love to say... Adam is here.
>> >> Between KISS and Wild Thing <http://bit.ly/2mG7toj>, the Genes of
>> >> Genesis are revealed.  Oh my God, I just got it... this is Genesis?*
>> >> ᐧ
>> >>
>> >> ᐧ
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Carlos Lopez
>> > Cataloguer
>> > Dalton McCaughey Library
>> > 29 College Crescent
>> > Parkville, VIC  3052
>> >
>> > Ph:  +61 3 93408885
>> > Fax: +61 3 86694418
>> > clopez@dml.vic.edu.au

[Attachment #3 (text/html)]

<div dir="ltr">Yes. My personal email works as well (this \
one).<div>Roy</div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">On \
Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Tom Keays <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a \
href="mailto:tomkeays@gmail.com" target="_blank">tomkeays@gmail.com</a>&gt;</span> \
wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px \
#ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div dir="ltr"><div>My spam filter is doing a great job \
of slam-dunking these so, unless someone comments back to the list, I am blissfully \
unaware.  </div><div><br></div><div>So, a favor to ask. If you absolutely feel you \
must comment, can I request you send it to <a \
href="mailto:web4lib-request@listserv.uc.edu" \
target="_blank">web4lib-request@listserv.uc.<wbr>edu</a> so the moderator of the \
listserv (Roy) can work his wonders?  </div><div>  \
</div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Tom</div><div><br></div><div>&quot;It may help to \
understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of \
history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but \
by people being fundamentally people.&quot;  </div><div>~ Neil Gaiman &amp; Terry \
Pratchett, Good Omens.</div><div><br></div></div><div class="HOEnZb"><div \
class="h5"><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 \
at 5:07 PM, Roy Tennant <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href="mailto:roytennant@gmail.com" \
target="_blank">roytennant@gmail.com</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote \
class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc \
solid;padding-left:1ex">Blocked and not notified, FWIW.<br> <span \
class="m_1347552520629475327HOEnZb"><font color="#888888">Roy<br> </font></span><div \
class="m_1347552520629475327HOEnZb"><div class="m_1347552520629475327h5"><br> &gt; On \
Mar 6, 2017, at 4:59 PM, Carlos Lopez &lt;<a href="mailto:carlos@DML.VIC.EDU.AU" \
target="_blank">carlos@DML.VIC.EDU.AU</a>&gt; wrote:<br> &gt;<br>
&gt; &lt;sigh /&gt;<br>
&gt; c.<br>
&gt; On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 19:04:54 -0500<br>
&gt; The Second Coming &lt;<a href="mailto:yitshack@UNDUECOERCION.COM" \
target="_blank">yitshack@UNDUECOERCION.COM</a>&gt; wrote:<br> &gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; President Kennedy&#39;s speech did remarkably well, possibly because of<br>
&gt;&gt; the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil<br>
&gt;&gt; monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as<br>
&gt;&gt; SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.   It is a<br>
&gt;&gt; powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the<br>
&gt;&gt; foundation of what it means to be an American.   Often characterized<br>
&gt;&gt; as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy&#39;s description of the<br>
&gt;&gt; enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and<br>
&gt;&gt; time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking<br>
&gt;&gt; about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration<br>
&gt;&gt; and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized<br>
&gt;&gt; espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we<br>
&gt;&gt; believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.   Years<br>
&gt;&gt; ago, I wrote a bit about the &quot;Two Witnesses&quot; of Revelation and \
named<br> &gt;&gt; them based on my experiences with the same &quot;monolithic and \
ruthless&quot;<br> &gt;&gt; conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the \
people I<br> &gt;&gt; named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.<br>
&gt;&gt; Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting<br>
&gt;&gt; against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more<br>
&gt;&gt; powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the<br>
&gt;&gt; realm of possibility.   Hollywood had recently immortalized both of<br>
&gt;&gt; these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, \
&quot;A<br> &gt;&gt; Beautiful Mind&quot; echoed by John Legend and &quot;The Good \
Shepherd;&quot; and<br> &gt;&gt; these two treatises on fear and subversion do a \
pretty good job of<br> &gt;&gt; showing how God&#39;s hand is at work in the stories \
of Hollywood, he is<br> &gt;&gt; telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how \
to survive in<br> &gt;&gt; the land of wolves in sheep&#39;s clothing.   Nash may be \
the most famous<br> &gt;&gt; (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of \
my writing and<br> &gt;&gt; the proof I present is designed to help explain to the \
world that his<br> &gt;&gt; schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, \
bur rather a<br> &gt;&gt; weapon wielded not only against him but against the \
entirety of<br> &gt;&gt; humanity.      Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and \
credible<br> &gt;&gt; testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes \
...<br> &gt;&gt; physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly<br>
&gt;&gt; modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are<br>
&gt;&gt; and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the<br>
&gt;&gt; difference if it wasn&#39;t pointed out--in some cases over, and over,<br>
&gt;&gt; and over again.<br>
&gt;&gt; This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to<br>
&gt;&gt; collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves<br>
&gt;&gt; or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to<br>
&gt;&gt; control; only they also have no way to know that because in this<br>
&gt;&gt; particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to<br>
&gt;&gt; hide the existence of this technology in sum.   In homage to my<br>
&gt;&gt; favorite childhood novel, Ender&#39;s Game (I have to note &quot;Light \
Son&quot; in<br> &gt;&gt; the translation of the authors first) I spent a good \
portion of time<br> &gt;&gt; years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount \
of proof of<br> &gt;&gt; the existence of this technology on forums all over the \
internet from<br> &gt;&gt; Wikipedia to Reddit using the names &quot;Prometheus \
Locke&quot; and<br> &gt;&gt; &quot;Damonthesis.&quot;      Not surprising to me, I \
ran headfirst into the<br> &gt;&gt; manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not \
hundreds of people<br> &gt;&gt; who simply refused to believe that the information I \
was presenting<br> &gt;&gt; was factual or important... despite it coming from \
sources like the<br> &gt;&gt; KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well \
as my own<br> &gt;&gt; interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek \
and<br> &gt;&gt; Christian art which depicts this &quot;subversive technology&quot; \
as a sun<br> &gt;&gt; disk surrounding our minds.<br>
&gt;&gt; These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have<br>
&gt;&gt; written are still available for you to see and read today; including<br>
&gt;&gt; the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people<br>
&gt;&gt; acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between<br>
&gt;&gt; life and death.   Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of<br>
&gt;&gt; that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then<br>
&gt;&gt; there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into<br>
&gt;&gt; darkness forever.   Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you<br>
&gt;&gt; to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world<br>
&gt;&gt; and barely anyone would ever notice.<br>
&gt;&gt; There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.<br>
&gt;&gt; That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are<br>
&gt;&gt; and what you believe.   The Religion of the Stars would tell you that<br>
&gt;&gt; were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged<br>
&gt;&gt; now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in<br>
&gt;&gt; simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered...<br>
&gt;&gt; we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are<br>
&gt;&gt; multiple &quot;species&quot; who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with \
nearly<br> &gt;&gt; identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they \
must<br> &gt;&gt; have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of<br>
&gt;&gt; biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.   You see, as<br>
&gt;&gt; this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be<br>
&gt;&gt; reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic<br>
&gt;&gt; could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude<br>
&gt;&gt; that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in<br>
&gt;&gt; order to preserve &quot;life&quot; rather than &quot;society&quot; or \
&quot;civilization.&quot;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a<br>
&gt;&gt; battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more<br>
&gt;&gt; civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this<br>
&gt;&gt; technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.<br>
&gt;&gt; Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything,<br>
&gt;&gt; the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily<br>
&gt;&gt; give us too much of what has given us the great society we have...<br>
&gt;&gt; what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because<br>
&gt;&gt; we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come<br>
&gt;&gt; from changing ourselves freely.<br>
&gt;&gt; Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black<br>
&gt;&gt; market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.   Careful,<br>
&gt;&gt; because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it...<br>
&gt;&gt; and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on<br>
&gt;&gt; telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is<br>
&gt;&gt; ending world hunger... you just have to put it on TV.<br>
&gt;&gt; I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated<br>
&gt;&gt; reality. I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only<br>
&gt;&gt; effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me<br>
&gt;&gt; that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the<br>
&gt;&gt; existence of this technology our civilization is lost.   I can tell<br>
&gt;&gt; you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in<br>
&gt;&gt; general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic<br>
&gt;&gt; possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.   It is the crux of a unifying<br>
&gt;&gt; thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the<br>
&gt;&gt; book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and   the Fifth Element.<br>
&gt;&gt; Showing us all this is God&#39;s message, timeless, and powerful not \
just<br> &gt;&gt; in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone<br>
&gt;&gt; tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our<br>
&gt;&gt; Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro<br>
&gt;&gt; Devices and nearly every movie you see.   Do not take for granted that<br>
&gt;&gt; we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue<br>
&gt;&gt; to thrive, do not think we&#39;ve already won; he is telling you through<br>
&gt;&gt; me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this<br>
&gt;&gt; very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the<br>
&gt;&gt; abyss--and you stand motionless.<br>
&gt;&gt; I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key<br>
&gt;&gt; point of God&#39;s plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the<br>
&gt;&gt; smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that<br>
&gt;&gt; show us that the idea of &quot;wave-function collapse&quot; is very much a \
real<br> &gt;&gt; manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it&#39;s<br>
&gt;&gt; absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of<br>
&gt;&gt; matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living<br>
&gt;&gt; observer.   More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for<br>
&gt;&gt; life to come out of this place while we do not understand the<br>
&gt;&gt; importance of what &quot;virtual reality&quot; and its connection to<br>
&gt;&gt; civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire<br>
&gt;&gt; civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the<br>
&gt;&gt; universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way<br>
&gt;&gt; because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a &quot;natural \
one&quot;<br> &gt;&gt; that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity \
and<br> &gt;&gt; electromagnetism.   Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that \
we<br> &gt;&gt; will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth.<br>
&gt;&gt; I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the<br>
&gt;&gt; difference between &quot;news&quot; and ... something that you should hide \
from<br> &gt;&gt; the rest of the world.   A number of news outlets have covered a \
story<br> &gt;&gt; based on nothing more than &quot;logical speculation&quot; that we \
are in fact<br> &gt;&gt; living in a simulated reality.   As a novelty, you might \
notice that<br> &gt;&gt; it hasn&#39;t done much of anything; even to reveal the very \
simple truth<br> &gt;&gt; that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from \
having the<br> &gt;&gt; knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in \
the<br> &gt;&gt; natural universe, but to continue &quot;civilizing&quot; and \
realizing that<br> &gt;&gt; ending world hunger and sickness are not merely \
possibilities or<br> &gt;&gt; choices we might make were this information proven... \
they are<br> &gt;&gt; mandatory, we would all do them.   So says the creator of \
this<br> &gt;&gt; Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and \
hurdles<br> &gt;&gt; that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell.<br>
&gt;&gt; He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in<br>
&gt;&gt; ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies<br>
&gt;&gt; today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also<br>
&gt;&gt; the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand;<br>
&gt;&gt; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if<br>
&gt;&gt; we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see<br>
&gt;&gt; that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is<br>
&gt;&gt; an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times,<br>
&gt;&gt; at least.     In Judaism we have a holiday called the &quot;Festival of<br>
&gt;&gt; Weeks,&quot; how many times would you like to live this life over and \
over<br> &gt;&gt; again without knowing that was happening?   Religion here holds \
a<br> &gt;&gt; hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it<br>
&gt;&gt; screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean,<br>
&gt;&gt; and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand<br>
&gt;&gt; and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and<br>
&gt;&gt; mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it.<br>
&gt;&gt; I don&#39;t talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it \
being<br> &gt;&gt; somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.   About a \
year<br> &gt;&gt; ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in<br>
&gt;&gt; addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like<br>
&gt;&gt; GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some<br>
&gt;&gt; drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told<br>
&gt;&gt; a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (*Spin Doctors*)<br>
&gt;&gt; or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many<br>
&gt;&gt; others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of<br>
&gt;&gt; Jesus Christ.   Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down<br>
&gt;&gt; asks &quot;if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?&quot; and many \
years<br> &gt;&gt; earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; &quot;the court room \
was<br> &gt;&gt; adjourned&quot; and &quot;no verdict returned.&quot;<br>
&gt;&gt; Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher<br>
&gt;&gt; I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly<br>
&gt;&gt; decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be<br>
&gt;&gt; verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit<br>
&gt;&gt; to stand trial because of something like &quot;insanity&quot; for nothing \
more<br> &gt;&gt; than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.   Because of \
this<br> &gt;&gt; violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a<br>
&gt;&gt; court--following all the regulations designed by our broken<br>
&gt;&gt; legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial,<br>
&gt;&gt; refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite<br>
&gt;&gt; period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing<br>
&gt;&gt; from me, that&#39;s what it boils down to.   All of my life, all of my<br>
&gt;&gt; trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people.<br>
&gt;&gt; I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this<br>
&gt;&gt; information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.<br>
&gt;&gt; Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the<br>
&gt;&gt; impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and<br>
&gt;&gt; it would be filled with press.   Much to all of our surprise, one day<br>
&gt;&gt; I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength<br>
&gt;&gt; television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.<br>
&gt;&gt; They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health<br>
&gt;&gt; court system, in a county again... named Broward.   I read some of my<br>
&gt;&gt; speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on<br>
&gt;&gt; camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with<br>
&gt;&gt; her camera and a big microphone that day.<br>
&gt;&gt; I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed<br>
&gt;&gt; help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly<br>
&gt;&gt; boring conversation.   She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of<br>
&gt;&gt; operation while they were in Broward.<br>
&gt;&gt; We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless<br>
&gt;&gt; conspiracy. It is affecting how you think, and how I think.   I need<br>
&gt;&gt; you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.   I<br>
&gt;&gt; need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to<br>
&gt;&gt; write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every<br>
&gt;&gt; language.   That Thor&#39;s thunder is on the radio in every song so \
that<br> &gt;&gt; you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and \
the<br> &gt;&gt; thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put \
on<br> &gt;&gt; a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly \
victims<br> &gt;&gt; of this technology.<br>
&gt;&gt; I need you to try now.<br>
&gt;&gt; On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:26 AM, Adam M. Dobrin<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="mailto:adam@fromthemachine.org" \
target="_blank">adam@fromthemachine.org</a>&gt; wrote:<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; cited to justify it.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; official censorship and concealment.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; the facts they deserve to know.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; scientific and political operations. Its preparations are<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; comes support or opposition, and both are necessary.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; I'm not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; informed.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn't become a<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; when we miss them.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; controversy.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants,<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead,<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; of national security.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man's deeds,<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; will be what he was born to be, free and independent.<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; *John F. Kennedy's address before the American Newspaper Publishers<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; Association on April 27, 1961*<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; ᐧ<br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; ᐧ<br>
&gt;&gt; Welcome to the base of the Tower of Babel.   In the clearing beyond<br>
&gt;&gt; you can glimpse the falling censor wall of Jericho... and in the<br>
&gt;&gt; pictures and prose below, the fertile plains of the Promised Land.<br>
&gt;&gt; If you were planning CNN tonight,   try reading ... and<br>
&gt;&gt; *understanding ...* this instead; it&#39;s infinitely more enlightening.<br>
&gt;&gt; * Cards on the table... &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lBNntU" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNntU</a>&gt;*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2ha4H70" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2ha4H70</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; morning has broken... like \
the first morning &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2h1wFSg" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2h1wFSg</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; * We&#39;re all showing Hearts. &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n</a>&gt;*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://goog_1254116430/?163BB63A1BDF9C56" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://goog_1254116430/?163BB<wbr>63A1BDF9C56</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; \
&lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lC9q3n</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; *WE THE PEOPLE... &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF</a>&gt;*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; ` &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; ​​<br>
&gt;&gt; An Exodus from Darkness. &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2hYsbMD</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; Can you Si in the dark? &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lBNntU" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNntU</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lBNntU" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNntU</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; Make Atlantis Rise. &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2l12JfL" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2l12JfL</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2l12JfL" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2l12JfL</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; ​<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2ie8Gl4" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2ie8Gl4</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; *is that a sht eating grin \
or what?*​<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; *Get ready... for the Main Event &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2ia00iu" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2ia00iu</a>&gt;*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2ia00iu" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2ia00iu</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; O   N   E<br>
&gt;&gt; 🌍😇🌫<br>
&gt;&gt; ​<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lBNxBw" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNxBw</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; it&#39;s uh,* time to begin &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu</a>&gt;...*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; * &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2miA0Tu</a>&gt;*<br> &gt;&gt; *really* soon... like, \
today... even<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2h2EM1a" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2h2EM1a</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2lBNANI" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNANI</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2gZkgyq" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2gZkgyq</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; &lt;<a \
href="http://bit.ly/2lBNANI" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2lBNANI</a>&gt;<br> &gt;&gt; ​ᐧ<br>
&gt;&gt; *At the heart of the word charity, a clue about information<br>
&gt;&gt; technology, and the message that pervades our world... we are just<br>
&gt;&gt; about to build Heaven, can you see the light?*<br>
&gt;&gt; *There&#39;s a little bit of NASDAQ in Tzedaqah, and just a tiny bit of<br>
&gt;&gt; IT in Charity. It is why, though...   the New American Standard for<br>
&gt;&gt; &quot;no man to become an island&quot; holds Esau&#39;s heart dear, with the \
Temple<br> &gt;&gt; Atlantis built by Solomon (did you know, on Paradise Island?)<br>
&gt;&gt; coming ... this year.   A carpenter or a computer programmer,<br>
&gt;&gt; Yes-who-ah, I mean Yeshua... is here. You might call me a Yahoo, but<br>
&gt;&gt; that&#39;s just because you don&#39;t know &lt;<a \
href="http://bit.ly/2mqAxTe" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2mqAxTe</a>&gt; yet.<br> &gt;&gt; Found squarely \
between Dr. Who&#39;s &quot;Silence&quot; and Taylor&#39;s &quot;the the&quot; to<br> \
&gt;&gt; help everyone &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2dfH50k" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2dfH50k</a>&gt;, the Grinch is here.*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; *I mean Thor... er, know me as Adam &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2m8V2lp" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2m8V2lp</a>&gt;?   See the<br> \
&gt;&gt; Light of Angels building Heaven... writ on the skies<br> &gt;&gt; &lt;<a \
href="http://bit.ly/2mIJf0c" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2mIJf0c</a>&gt; all around.*<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; *If you want to break the good news, call me, and I&#39;ll help explain<br>
&gt;&gt; how J-North ties to Yeast and Easter... it means &quot;from the \
future,&quot; I<br> &gt;&gt; think I need a tutor? <a href="tel:954-667-8083" \
value="+19546678083" target="_blank">954-667-8083</a> &lt;(954)%20667-8083&gt;.   \
Seriously,<br> &gt;&gt; texting me is returning Noah&#39;s bird, and the truth is \
Pauly Shore...<br> &gt;&gt; on the road to Adam-tell-us, Nostradamus says we&#39;re \
not art, hah.   *<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; *I am the first and the Last,and I love to say... Adam is here.<br>
&gt;&gt; Between KISS and Wild Thing &lt;<a href="http://bit.ly/2mG7toj" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2mG7toj</a>&gt;, the Genes of<br> \
&gt;&gt; Genesis are revealed.   Oh my God, I just got it... this is Genesis?*<br> \
&gt;&gt; ᐧ<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;&gt; ᐧ<br>
&gt; --<br>
&gt; Carlos Lopez<br>
&gt; Cataloguer<br>
&gt; Dalton McCaughey Library<br>
&gt; 29 College Crescent<br>
&gt; Parkville, VIC   3052<br>
&gt; AUSTRALIA<br>
&gt; Ph:   <a href="tel:%2B61%203%2093408885" value="+61393408885" \
target="_blank">+61 3 93408885</a><br> &gt; Fax: <a href="tel:%2B61%203%2086694418" \
value="+61386694418" target="_blank">+61 3 86694418</a><br> &gt; <a \
href="mailto:clopez@dml.vic.edu.au" target="_blank">clopez@dml.vic.edu.au</a><br> \
</div></div></blockquote></div><br></div> </div></div></blockquote></div><br></div>

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