Stefan Küng wrote: > David Fraser wrote: >> Hi there >> >> This is a feature request for the already-great TortoiseSVN :-) >> I would like to be able to see a diff of the files I am committing >> directly within the commit window. This is a way to reduce workflow: > How about a doubleclick on the file to diff? Aah, so I was being silly, and it even mentions this explicitly! Thanks... >> basically my normal procedure of committing means I have to rightclick >> and diff each file individually in the commit window. >> I do this to make sure of the changes I have made, and to be able to >> comment on them effectively. It would great to see this info directly in >> the commit window while typing the message. > A whole diff? You know that a diff can be really big? And you want > that in the commit window text box? It can scroll, right? Yes I know diffs can be big. >> An alternative or extra feature request would be to be able to see at >> least a unified diff on a whole folder rather than just an individual >> file. > Most people are not really comfortable with unified diffs. And > depending on the changes you made, those can get really, really big. I guess I'm coming from a Unix background and trying to use Windows tools, so I have a different perspective to most. Most developers I know are much happier with unified diffs (opened in vim with syntax highlighting) and I like scrolling through them. But I accept that this might not fit in with the general TortoiseSVN requirements. I can't see what would be harmful about allowing an option for a unified diff on a whole folder though... Thanks for your quick response David --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: