hi eric,
you make the ff-torbutton?
it is not seczure, as cookiees trac you and referal pages as well and so on, if you switch off the tor button

is there any solution for this ? is xerbank-browser not better?

Regards Mike

PS: havenīt you interest to build a FF plugin for mozilla and thunderbird of
http://retroshare.sf.net or this PGP messenger into sameplace.cc ?

Thanks for a feedback

2007/12/10, Eric H. Jung <eric.jung@yahoo.com>:

I am the FoxyProxy Firefox extension author.

At https://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/, Scott Squires & Mike Perry write:

"[...] So far the author has expressed no interest in implementing [proxy-per-tab] ability."

This statement is patently false. I have repeatedly gone on record as saying "proxy-per-tab" is a
goal of FoxyProxy. I've made this at irc.mozilla.org (#extdev and various other channels), the
FoxyProxy forums (http://z9.invisionfree.com/foxyproxy), and even show it as a goal for version
2.8 at the FoxyProxy proxy road map at http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/roadmap.html.

I would have added this feature a very long time ago if I knew *how* to do it. Unfortunately, it's
unlikely to happen even for 2.8 (as shown in the road map) because I'm no closer to getting it to
work than I was a year ago... even after much research.

If you have any pointers on how to achieve proxy-per-tab, I'd be grateful to hear them. I've asked
in mozilla.dev.extensions, mozilla.dev.tech.network , IRC, as well as some prominent Firefox and
SeaMonkey developers (Christian Biesinger, Benjamin Smedberg, Philip Chee, Michael Vincent Van
Rantwijk, etc.) Christian Biesinger and Michael Vincent Van Rantwijk had some ideas which
eventually panned out.

One of the problems with FoxyProxy as it relates to Tor have been documented here for a very long
time (linked prominently from the front FoxyProxy web page):

Note that FoxyProxy has a broader audience than people wishing pure anonymity and so this problem
is not an issue for all FoxyProxy users.

At the least, I'd appreciate if Scott and Mike change the torbutton webpage. Moreover, I welcome
you to contribute to FoxyProxy and/or help me solve the proxy-per-tab difficulties.

Best regards,
Eric Jung