Ühel kenal päeval (esmaspäev, 16. veebruar 2004 09:00) kirjutas James Ogley: > > When trying to set Gnome theme, I get the following error message: > > "The default theme schemas could not be found on your system. This means > > that you probably don't have metacity installed, or that your gconf is > > configured incorrectly." > > Did you *just* install ulb-gnome? > Did it run SuSEconfig (gconf2 module) after it installed? I restarted 'gconfd-2' process, now its ok. ain -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com