Op vrijdag 31 januari 2003 10:16, schreef Fergus Wilde: > As far as I know, SuSE is still an rpm distribution, and apt has yet to > become officially supported. There will be plenty to correct me if I'm > wrong, but if this is indeed so we can't really expect to find apt-dirs on > ftp.suse.com. Forget about apt becoming officially supported by suse. SuSE provides yast/you and that's it. So, apt will remain for suse geeks only. BTW: what are exactly apt dirs? Another btw, it should not matter for apt whether suse is an rpm based distro or not. A package is a package :) Look at www.distrowatch.com, there are probably more rpm based distro's using apt than deb based distributions using it.... -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com